Thursday, November 19, 2020

Christmas Cactus

Ye-Ye and Nana got us this humungous Christmas cactus that is in bloom currently, the pink blossoms all over the outside, looking quite festive.  Madison took several pictures of it in her own way, using her phone camera.  

They came out well, and the cactus looks good where we have it placed in the dining area.  We had a decent day today, although we start out with attempts to cheer everyone up in the house.  I'm feeling better myself, gradually, which may be because of the medication, perhaps.  Although I'm tremendously tired all the time, which might be a side effect, I'm not sure. No matter though - the show much on, right?  Madison had a good day at school, also going to taekwondo afterwards, which of course is the longer session.  They're working fast towards that next testing which is coming up in less than a month now.  Edgestravaganza is soon, and the black belt ceremonies of December.  Madison's turn for all of that will be next December, and it's too soon to think about that.  She'll be in high school then.  Yikes.

Speaking of which, we're getting applications for classes and programs at various Forsyth County High Schools.  I have no idea what any of that means.  I had one high school to choose from.  I remember taking a French class from a teacher there who was literally also just learning French alongside us.

Anyway, it was a busy day at work.  Mom and Nana were at my mother's place, helping to make organic ornaments for a tree that will show up at the botanical gardens there.  We'll have to show up at that location soon to see the trees, but tonight Mom even made some ribbon to go around the tree.  It'll look nice!

Tonight's movie was "Jingle All the Way," as we race through these Christmas movies.  Surprisingly, we have plenty to see, despite the fact that we've literally watched one every single night since November 1st.  We have a few new ones to see, or at least some old ones that we've never seen before.  Mommy has a small list of those, and then we might even get around to seeing a Hallmark movie this year.  Plus we'll have to see "Holly" again, the production that Madison was a part of last year.  We just recently got a DVD copy of that, and it'll be neat watching that.  The plan is to get some more to hand out to our volunteers that were involved this year as a Christmas present.

Tonight we started the book "St. Nicholas of the North," a prequel book to the movie "Rise of the Guardians."  It's going by much quicker than the Star Wars book we read earlier, but that doesn't mean it isn't as big of an adventure.  It's starting out in an intriguing way, and we'll have to see where things go from here.  But that's our latest read, a holiday adventure.  Soon, I have to get the library for Madison and get that next book.  We've had it on hold for a few days now.

Anyway, we said our prayers tonight, and I was asleep rather quickly.  As I said, super tired lately.  Mommy was making ribbons for that outdoor tree at the gardens, and Nana was fast asleep. Madison was up late, sneaking a read of her book as she frequently does just before bedtime.  Night-night!

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