Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday Before Thanksgiving

It was another nice Sunday morning at KidPak, especially so as we were able to convince Nana to come to church again.  She was there at KidPak for the first service, and then at the main sanctuary service for grown-ups in the second service, each time with Mom.  Meanwhile, Madison was at the main sanctuary service for the first one, and down helping with KidPak at the second service.

We had a reduced number for the skit, but it was fun and well received.  The numbers seem to be going up, although we're certainly not full yet.  It may be some time before we get there again.  But the masks are on and the social distancing is in place.  We're doing the best we can with the hand we've been given.

Pastor Lance gave the message downstairs while Pastor Javon was doing so upstairs.  It was a solid morning at church.

We went home after this, eating a bit of food for lunch, and then heading over to the library as I've been promising Madison.  We went to get that third book in the Divergent series, but I also picked up a graphic novel that includes all the Infinity War comics - I've never actually read that before.  Nana was with us, as was Mom, and they picked up a Christmas jigsaw puzzle that they were working on this afternoon.  We have it set up there by the tree, so I plugged in the George C. Scott version of "A Christmas Carol," which may be towards the bottom of my list of versions of that story.  I love David Warner as Bob Cratchit, and yes, that's the Equalizer as the Ghost of Christmas Present.  Seriously, don't mess with him.  He will take you down.  But George C. Scott never struck me as a joyous individual, at least not one we'd call "bubbly."  Perhaps that is why he was Scrooge in this, as he certainly nails the Humbug King down pretty well.  It's the happy part that sort of falls short.  For the record, my favorite version is the Patrick Stewart version, although Michael Cane's portrayal is really good, and we always love to watch Albert Finney.  Later on, we even watched Scrooge McDuck!

Madison watched the youth service online tonight, and spent some time talking with friends from church on her phone as well.  We all sat to watch "A Christmas Story" a little later, and yes, that's three Christmas specials in one day.  The puzzle is a little more done, and I also got a few things done today with KidPak, including this advertisement here.

This is coming up for KidPak, a different picture each week, starting with the Christmas tree.  I also got done another binder done in the huge collection of binders I'm working on, basically every series we've ever done.  So far, I have sixty-two of them completed, each one filled with messages, skits, games and devotionals.  It's been an undertaking, but I'm nearly finished.

We had a good day today, a bit of a tough one later for Nana.  It was hard at the start, but we got her to church where things improved.  But later on tonight, she's been just an emotional wreck again, and there's not much we can do but endure it all with the best patience and love we have.  As I haven't slept too well since she's been in the house, this has been harder for me.  But tonight she went to bed crying, and it's always the same.  We're not mean or abusive - it's just that certain words, foods, smells - whatever - they trigger her emotions, and she just wants to die.  And it's difficult to bring her back from that ledge some times.  But we keep trying.

We said our prayers tonight, and did some quick reading.  But we were tired, and all ready for bed after such a full day.  And that's where I'm typing this now... ready to get some sleep...

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