Saturday, June 27, 2020

Forward Notes

We were doing a bit of work in the back yard today, and that involved mulch.  I made about two trips to Dawsonville to get twenty bags of the stuff, and I suspect that we'll be out of mulch in a day or two.  Meanwhile, Madison was attending the last sessions of the Forward Conference...

By the end of it all, she had taken one hundred pages of notes!  Of course, each page was a small note card, and she was writing exceptionally large on it.  But she was using very nice penmanship, and by the end of the note taking, she had assembled all the pages and made herself a small booklet.  From what we understand, all her notes are also on social media too, shared there as well.  

She enjoyed the interaction of Forward, and it really set up things for next year when everyone will be together again in person.  The Saints did not win this year, and were somewhat robbed in fact.  But she still had a good time, and will certainly be in attendance next year.

We had Chick-Fil-A for lunch today.  One of the trips over to Dawsonville to get mulch resulted in a visit to Chick-Fil-A, where they still don't have the dining area open.  It's all drive-thru, and amazingly, the line for cars stretches around the building, sometimes twice.  Literally the other day, I drove around the building while in line two times - there was an outside lane, and then an inner one, and somehow the cars on the inside crossed paths with the outside lane to escape with some food.  It was all rather intricate, once again reaffirming the current statements about the people who run Chick-Fil-A, and how they should run all government functions as well.

Anyway, the mulch made it to the back yard, where we have a nice day lily growing, and you can see a whole lot of tomatoes in our future.  The tomato plants are growing super tall, like some sort of mutant tomato plant.  They're big.

Speaking of big, there was a whopper of a storm that came through today.  We don't usually have our power blink like that, but it did today, and several times.  We talked to a few others online, and their power did go out.  It was a big and windy storm.  Nana and Ye-Ye said several trees fell down on the road nearby where they live.  Thank goodness it wasn't anything in their yard - we don't need any more of that!

The sand is still in the air, and you could really see it in the mountains as we drove back and forth this afternoon.  Fortunately that rain came, and hopefully washed a lot away.  You just felt like your fingers were grimy or something, although that could all be psychological.  There was no question there was a beige or brown tint to everything.  The Sarahan Dust will be with us another day or two, causing trouble for those with allergies.  That's Madison.  She was sneezing a few times today, but I don't think it's because of the sand.  

We said our prayers tonight, and we read from "Truckers" as well.  Also, we binged a few more episodes of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  It was a good day today, and we did a few things today.  The big event was Forward, of course.  It wasn't exactly the Forward we've always known, but it's been a good experience for Madison.  We're very proud of her, of course.

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