Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Baseball is Back

We had taekwondo tonight, although there were just five students in the class.  Maybe six.  Class has two different times now, this due to the recent viral problems, and a lot of students go to the 3pm class.  Madison usually goes there, but I had to work today, and that meant things were a bit back to normal in regards to that particular schedule.  Madison got her first stripe today, which is crazy because it seems like things have just gotten started with the red belt, but the thing to consider is that these classes are a continuation of classes that started before Rank Camp, and therefore it's actually been a pretty sufficient amount of time.  The idea, by summer's end, is to be at Red Belt Decided.

As for class itself, there was a fun moment of confusion when Madison briefly forgot her current form, and started thinking of a previous one, and then completely "blanking out" a moment, much to the amusement of her instructor Miss Walker.  But Madison is doing well, and completely focused, at least here.

The rest of the day was a little more unfocused, but it's summer time now and that's okay.  She spent essentially the entire day talking with friends online.  There was some piano practice getting home from taekwondo, and after that a few episodes of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." as well, with us approaching the halfway point of season two.  But that's largely it for the day, a fairly unproductive day as a whole.

I was working on Forward material, and the next devotional as well, which is pretty much already done - the next KidPak series should be a decent mix of two previous series from the past.  And it might be our last entirely online series, meaning we may be doing both online and in person services in August.  Of course, that will look very interesting, given all the regulations and worries out there.  The current feel of the world is that none of us know what to believe from government and health officials, as one moment you don't need masks and then you do, and then you don't, and then you do. And the physical contact with surfaces was bad, and now it's okay, and then it's questionable, and now... not sure.  And then the asymptomatic carriers are lethal weapons, and now they're not so bad... it all goes back and forth.  The water is so muddied that we have no idea what to think.  In the book of Judges, everyone did what was right in their own eyes," and that's where we're at.  Sometimes you can go in and wear a mask, and no one else is.  Then you don't wear a mask, and everyone else is wearing a mask.  And official government and health sources will both tell you it is very necessary, and not that necessary if you're asymptomatic, all at the same time.  So it's up to you.

One bit of good news, and it is so needed:  baseball is back.  Spring training starts in July.  In summer.  So it's technically Summer Training, but we'll let that title slide, like a runner trying to get back home.  The end of July, I think, is when baseball starts up again, and we're all very excited about it.  I don't think we can go to games, exactly.  But listening to them on the radio again will be great, as will watching them on television.  It's our family's favorite sport.  I'm not sure how or if it will work, but it will be great to go to any game this year.  We'll see, of course.  It's not entirely up to us.  But we'd love to be taken out to the old ball game.

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