Sunday, April 21, 2019

Resurrection Sunday

We had a powerful service today with a drama above that hit the kids in such a strong way that I don't think they'll forget it.  It really summed up the message of Easter, every part of this drama working  perfectly together.  You can see the epic scene above where I announce Pascal's Pardon, where the crowd chooses one person to go free - Jesus or Barabbas.  Ultimately of course, Jesus is chosen to die.  For many kids, they didn't know this part of the story.  They met Barabbas and heard how wicked of a man he was, and then discovered he could go free if someone else was chosen to die.  When Jesus was pushed out by the Roman guard, the audience gasped.  What had Jesus done?  Daniel, who played the part of Barabbas, did so great as he was shocked.  Jesus was innocent, and yet he died for me?

You can see Mary here at the tomb three days later.  Of course, this is all over the course of one skit.  But she was surprised when she heard a voice ask, "Why are you crying?"  She thought it was the gardener, but when she saw it was Jesus, there was much rejoicing.

All the apostles that had been mourning rushed forward, as Jesus was there, telling everyone that he had risen, just as he said.  It was a powerful skit, and following that a powerful message from Camille, who used this authentic prop, a crown of thorns.

This one is the real deal.  This crown is so sharp that it punctures holes in the box that it came in.  And yet Jesus wore one just like it the day he was crucified.  The message was simple:   on his head was the crown, and on his mind was us.  His hands that were nailed to the cross reached out to us in love.  And his feet that were also nailed there showed us the way, the truth and the life.  It was such a good morning at KidPak.  

Yes, we did have our obligatory visit by the Easter bunny.  

But he was promptly escorted off the stage!  That's been the running joke with the poor Easter bunny at KidPak.  Usually he's pelted with things, but today we were a little more kind!

After church we went over to Nana and Ye-Ye's for a bit of ice cream.  It was an ice cream social kind of visit, just stopping by on Easter Sunday to spend a few hours talking, and in Madison's case, playing some badminton with Nana.  We were pretty tired from the weekend though.  Yesterday was pretty exhausting! 

We got home and cleaned up, and watched the rest of "The Ten Commandments," which was so good, wasn't it?  We had enough time to watch an episode of Gravity Falls after that, the one with the hot air balloon... hilarious!  We were slouching on the couch, munching on Easter goodies and pretty much relaxing the rest of the night.  It was a great Sunday though, and a wonderful service this morning.  It was quite a memorable Easter weekend!

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