Sunday, April 28, 2019

Back on Stage

You can see Madison back on stage, more a part of an ensemble cast here, sitting at the feet of Jesus as he teaches.  The many who were there didn't have food to eat, and that lead up to the miracle of the feeding of 5,000.  Of course, that final number didn't count women and children, so it was much much more.  To replicate the miracle, we had a table at stage left, a counter that we made hole in.  At the same time, Mommy had a hole in a basket, one that she lined with cloth to obscure things a bit.  Underneath that table - and hidden from site, was Camille, and a whole lot of bread that we purchased yesterday.  The end result was hilarious:  we had bread that was constantly coming out of the basket, much to the shock of Nerdo, a character on stage that just couldn't make this basket stop bringing out bread.  The kids loved it!

Afterwards, we were back to our acting class, and Madison had fun with a "bad acting" assignment:

We told her - and others - to do a line on stage as if they were bad actors.  And then, do the line again the best that they could.  The end results were hilarious!  I notice that there's something within Madison for certain scenes, something very dramatic.  She's good, actually.  She was supposed to be nervous and frightened, and it almost looked like her eyes were watering up a bit, legitimately scared about something.  Of course, it was all an act.

We were talking a lot today about the difference between acting on stage and acting in front of a camera, and the illustration above allowed us to be a bit more free in identifying things that people are doing wrong on stage, and what steps could be taken to improve those.  So it was a bit of education, but it was also a bit of laughter too this afternoon.  Madison had a great time!

After getting home, Madison was back at the piano again, and there was the matter of a delicious dinner that Mommy had prepared.  We had a few games of Mario Party, a new thing that Madison is enjoying lately and asking to play.  It's fun, and completely random at times.  There is skill involved, but Mario Party is not the sort of game that rewards skill so much as it instead levels the playing field with unbelievable good luck, or bad.  Madison was the winner tonight, but even in losing, she loves the game.

We read tonight, and slept easy tonight - it was a pretty full day.  Daddy preached, hosted the race, and did the skit as well, and then co-hosted the acting class this afternoon.  Quite a full amount of activity today, and as a result, we were all ready for bed rather quickly.


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