Thursday, May 17, 2018

Yearbook Day

Today Madison - and all the other students at Chestatee Elementary School - saw the yearbooks.  Above you can see the Fifth Grade Intro Page, one that Madison did the artwork for, and Daddy wrote the wording for (except the Dr. Seuss quote, of course!).  I placed Dr. Seuss quotes on each of the intro pages, a different one for each grade.  Kids did all the artwork, but Daddy added a bit to each, in this case the clouds and sky.  Madison, however, drew the balloons, the persons in the balloons, and the sign to the bottom right.  She's also in a couple pictures on the right page, most notably the one where she's dressed up as a "social butterfly."

Today's extra time in school was spent receiving the yearbooks, and signing them too.  The covers are outstanding, created by the school art teacher, Mrs. Hubbard.  Madison loves the art program here so much, and hopefully she'll extend that in the next school she attends.  

It was a good day, although a quiet one.  We're frantically working towards Summer Xtreme, of course.  Madison got home, and here's another bit of finality that we didn't really bring up too much:  it was her last practice at Brenau for ballet.  No more driving into that amazingly awkward parking lot, traveling those narrow hallways filled with tiny dancers, no more racing through town to get to ballet practice on time.  We didn't have much time to stop and look around at the place, and sort of let it sink in.  Nor did we really want to drag it out for Madison, how is sort of missing it already.  She's made up her mind, but of course it is sad to see everyone go.

Tonight we went back to the church to take the final parts of the castle set we used for "Legends," and pass those along to one of our friends with the ballet.  She still has two dancers involved, and she puts together photo booths.  The castle will be perfect for that sort of thing, and yes, we'll have to come visit the productions even after Madison is no longer involved. 

We got home pretty late, but we were ready for bed rather quickly.  We read some more, and we said our prayers before bed, as always.  But one more thing before we go to bed:

Today's blue dress/gold dress sort of controversy (you can ready about that here).  The nation has sort of embraced this, and it's a simple concept:  a student here from Flowery Branch noticed a program that spoke the word out, "Laurel."  But she didn't hear "laurel."  She heard "yanny."  And so she asked a few others, and just like it was nationwide, half heard "yanny" and half heard "laurel."  For the record, Madison and Mommy heard "laurel," and Daddy initially heard "yanny."  But over time, Daddy now hears "laurel," and it sort of goes back and forth for the rest of us.  It's been a fun "viral" thing that's got the whole country involved again.  And it's kinda neat because it started not far from here...!

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