Monday, May 14, 2018

Lemons and Captain Crunch

They renewed "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." today for a sixth season, something they waited until the very last minute to do.  As in, the very last episode is this Friday, and we were all wondering if they were going to do that or not.  It's become somewhat of a regular thing for the three of us to watch some television on Friday nights together, the only ongoing series we tend to watch together.  Above you can see the gift we left for Mommy on the bed, lemons and Captain Crunch.  Anyone who has seen the back half of season five of this series knows what these are all about, and Mommy got a big kick out of finding these on our bed.

Tonight we finished our Anne Frank board, and it turned out really good.  Madison did a lot of the work, finding pictures, or making graphics to go along with it.  We'll show the project in a day or two, but this Anne Frank timeline was entirely created by Madison.  She looked up the information and found a similar timeline elsewhere, but customized it here:

We spent a while on this, and it turned out well in the end.  Coincidentally, today is Israel's 70th birthday.  We did not plan this at all, but it did turn out to be quite a teachable moment, as these two stories are inseparable.  Today, the United States acknowledged officially that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem.  That may be cause for some to say, "No duh?"  But it's been a move a long time coming, and it was made official today on the nation's 70th anniversary.  We watched some of the ceremony, and some of the dancing at the West Wall.  Daddy was there some time ago, and it had to be an amazing moment to be there today.  Of course, the media here is covering the protests in their own way, but it's all amazing to see this history unfold.

Speaking of history, Mommy has been looking up her ancestry, now that a few clues have opened up about her grandfather.  Digging back into the past, we can see that one of her relatives was a well-respected steamboat captain.  Which is just plain awesome, really.  We were reading up about him tonight when we got home from ballet.

Ah, ballet.  Tonight was the last Monday night practice.  It came and went with the flurry of dancers in the crowded hallways, everyone scurrying this way and that as things wind down to the final performance this weekend.  It's going to be wonderful, of course.  But it'll also be a bit bittersweet as well.

Tonight we read a few more chapters from the Reptile Room.  We picked up the latest book from "A Series of Unfortunate Events," and though we're only on book two, we're moving along rather briskly.  The girls really like this series.

We said our prayers, and read from a devotional, and soon enough, we were all off to sleep.  Daddy was watching an old Ken Burns documentary about the Civil War (not the one with Iron Man in it).  Between that, and reading a book about Theodore Roosevelt, he's been learning a lot about history lately.  Fun stuff.  Time to start studying up more about steamboat captains though!

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