Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fortnite Llama

I have an usual office, don't I?  I'm hoping to add a little something to the decor this summer, another creation similar to the LEGO guy there, with a bit of effort.  The Fortnite Llama was created by someone else, and hidden in my office until it is needed.  It's a big deal for a video game that a lot of kids are playing, basically another first-person shooting game with lots of online craziness.  Of course, there's no connection whatsoever with online shooting games and the recent school shootings.    We spend a lot of time blaming the weaponry lately, but for some reason some people feel all these shooting games, movies, and television shows are not in any way contributing to the problem.  Enough of that soap box though!

Today was Madison's last Thursday at Chestatee, and tomorrow is her last day period.  We'll be there all day today, which meant that Daddy had to work extra tonight to make-up for time.  There's so much to do, but tomorrow all that needs to stop so I can be there with Mommy, and we can visit the festivities at the school.

The last week of school is sort of a coasting experience, where there isn't so much productivity going on for the kids - they watch movies, and do some other extra curricular assignments like "nursing school."  There are extended outdoor recess moments, and all the while the teachers are frantically trying to wrap things up with paperwork and grades and so forth.  In short, it's a great week at school because you don't really do anything but show up.  And while one might be tempted about having to show up at all, everyone is grateful that they don't have tests or homework or classwork or anything whatsoever to do.  All that said, Madison is having a great week.

The looming sadness about leaving Chestatee is there, but the excitement of summer break is there too.  Madison already has a crammed schedule this summer, and it's going to be really fun.  No homework or tests either!

Daddy, however, has a LOT of homework to do right now towards Summer Xtreme... so back to work in the office here... it's a nice office...

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