Saturday, May 5, 2018


We had somewhat of a full day today, with some of it planned and some of it rather spontaneous.  The planned bits started early, with a trip to Home Depot for a project.

Madison spotted this windmill planter idea, and really wanted to go build one.  So we headed over to Dawsonville and built one, by gum!  Or, at least she did.  Daddy had to use the screwdriver for some tightening, but for the most part, this was all Madison building this morning.  The end result came out well - we brought it home in triumph, showing it off to Mommy.

For a brief time we were home, and Madison was playing piano again.  We recorded it, and shared the video we made with Mrs. Pam and Mrs. Roper, who is her music teacher.  Madison is going to be involved in the talent show for the school, and will more than likely be playing "Tightrope" there as well. 

We did a bit of "Battlefront II" again, but after that, we had an appointment with a painting party:

One of Madison's friends hosted a birthday party, one where everyone painted on a blank canvas using all sorts of colors, making a painting of a crab under the sea.  You can see Madison and the birthday girl together here, painting.  And here below are some of the kids with their finished products:

Madison did well with her painting.  It's a hobby we'll have to pick up on some more.  We have a few blank canvases at home, so we might do just that.  Considering she doesn't have as much practice, she did a pretty decent job!  It was a fun party - she had a great time.  These creative parties are nice, because everyone is so focused.  There is a lot of talking and sharing, but it's not a lot of chaos.  Plus, you wind up with a great souvenir, and happy memories too.  Everyone enjoyed their time, and enjoyed the cake too!

Afterwards, we were off to the North Forsyth Hospital, which is where some more of Madison's artwork could be found on display:

Here it is - hers is the sun with the rays sticking out.  We like that one a lot, and noticed that it hadn't come home yet.  Her teacher, Mrs. Hubbard, chose that one to go with the others from the school.  They'll be on display for a little while at the hospital, brightening up the place.  We looked through all the different pictures, and even got some ideas for future art projects.

We also went to a new comic book place.  Why?  Because today is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY.  We picked up a few comic books, and took a look around the place.  It was really busy.  I mean, there were a lot of people there.  At least 60-70 people in that store, which is great to see.  We weren't there for anything specific - just the novelty of free comic books.  We browsed a bit, and then headed off to Chili's.

Why?  Because we've had these gift cards for a free meal for a long time.  For each High Flyer award, Madison gets a gift card to Chili's for a free meal.  We just haven't been there in a while, and part of the reason for that is there lack of gluten free options.  They just don't have as much.  But it is Cinco de Mayo today, and we thought it would be fun to drop by, so we did, and Madison got this hot sauce for her chicken and fries, and LOVED IT.  She really likes hot sauce a lot.

We got home in time for a bath, and a quick viewing of the Kentucky Derby.  It was pouring rain there at Churchill Downs, and a horse named Justify made the race boring by being so dominant.  There was no come from behind, no strategy, or anything like that.  It was just get to the front of the pack so you don't have mud kicking up in your face, and then stay at the front of the pack until the end.  And it wasn't close.  The jockey that was riding Justify was fifty-two years old, which is great to hear.  Also, his first words to the entirety of Churchill Downs after the race was that he wanted to give glory to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  That's always good to hear too.

Once the race was over, we watched fathiers race.  It was just a funny coincidence, but because Star Wars Day was yesterday, we watched "The Last Jedi" tonight, completely forgetting about the scene that's quite similar to a horse race.  Instead of horses, the creatures are called fathiers.  Anyway, we saw this movie again, and it was pretty late after that.  Just enough time for one chapter from the book, one devotional entry, and some sleepy prayers.  And then of course writing this... Daddy is pretty tired as he writes is now.  But looking back, it was a pretty full day.  We earned some rest!

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