Wednesday, January 17, 2024



Funny moment at the office here.  So many years ago, one of our friends Mary Shannon was working with us on her birthday, and someone got her a mylar balloon in the shape of a smiling corn.  The reason is that her last name is Corn.  So it hovered there at her desk for a good bit, but lo!  It got loose, drifted directly upward and eventually deflated up there in the ceiling, where it remains to this very day.  It's not in-your-face noticeable, sort of obscured by darkness and other things, but nevertheless, it's there.  And it's funny that it's been there for so long, even after Mary Shannon has been gone for quite some time.  Today, Maddie used her phone to take this picture of us pointing it out, and she sent that to Mary Shannon, who got a big kick out of seeing that corn still up there.  

So it was that kind of cold today, the January cold that is too cold to snow.  We had all kinds of bird visitors at our deck, and we kept the feeders stocked and poured this boiling water on the iced over bird bath from time to time, trying to keep things liquid.  But we did have to leave for work, because it was another one of those monster days of work.  Half the stuff in my office is transplanted and there are shelves and binders now in the main KidPak area, all my work there for everyone to see.  Also there are the fish and some other things too - it's added a little color to the area.  We're still working, and in fact it will take a few more days to complete all this.  It's depressing to be out of my office, but I'll get over it.  Mom seems to be okay with all these changes, so that's what makes it all worth it.  

Maddie was in school again, and she was there at regular hours, because I didn't have to drop her off early.  The plan was previously Hebron all week, but this shift in props and office stuff has me staying at the office to work.  Maddie was there for a bit tonight, as you can see above in that photo.  I took her to Free Chapel Youth tonight, and we got there a bit early for a great night.

The series is called "FAST," which is what the church is doing of course.  Maddie's friends from taekwondo were there, both Chloe and Chris, and she had a good night at church, plus a nice time socializing afterwards.  The food of choice was a salad with chili beans and salsa and corn in it... it was fast-friendly, and it was actually pretty good.  I know because Mom and I were there inside the warmth of the church.  I had a bowl, while Mom had a heated dinner from earlier. 

After she said goodbye to her friends, we braved the super chilly weather to head to the car, and then head to the house.  It was a long day of work, and of course a late night at church.  We settled in, had some hot tea, and got to bed tonight.  We read a bit, a very small bit, and then said our prayers.  It was time for bed.

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