Friday, January 19, 2024

LEGO Gallimimus

So this is a dinosaur that I regret not ever knowing its name.  It's in the original Jurassic Park movie, and in fact there's more of this dinosaur than any other, and yet I could never remember the name.  Galli-something or other?  Anyway, Maddie and I have been returning to LEGO Jurassic World, and surprisingly we haven't gotten all of the special gold or red bricks yet.  In fact, there are areas left unexplored - Maddie was playing as a Mosasaurus, and we both were flying about in the aviary as pterodactyls, which was fun.  But you can also occasionally play through levels as any character, and rather than use one of the multitude of human characters available, complete with useful abilities, I was surprised to see I could be a Gallimimus.  So we decided that yes, it's time to be a Gallimimus, and therefore be relatively useless.  Maddie was getting all the work done while I tromped around generally just getting in the way and accidentally knocking things - and people - over.  It's a fun game.  We're definitely in dinosaur mode now though, and that's fun.  It all started on New Year's Day.  Hey, how appropriate that this upcoming lunar new year is the Year of the Dragon?

Okay, so today was a lot of work.  Maddie's been planning some of her next year's classes, and that has been a highlight.  She's looking into photography, more math, a few mandatory classes like Economics and ELA... we'll see how things line up, but it's her senior year, if you can believe that.  

Meanwhile, Mom and I are still cleaning up the mess at KidPak.  It's been a lot of moving things about, and a lot of organizing, cleaning and just a lot of effort to fix up some things.  We're still getting ready for this weekend, simultaneously, amongst other things, like the next series, which should be outstanding.  Here's an early draft of the new artwork that Camille is working on.  It's coming along!

There's a little bit more work to be done with this one, but it's almost there and it's pretty exciting.  It should be a great series, a return to something we haven't done since Maddie was very young.  It'll be fun to return to that one, but it'll also be a great Bible-themed series that dives into just one of the amazing books of God's Word.

Tonight we just watched a few things, some of season two of "The Chosen," and then of course an episode of "Monk."  After that, it was time for reading from "The Shepherd's Crown," which has started a bit slow but of course there's a villain up to no good - we'll keep reading, because these other characters trying to make their way into the Discworld are not welcome at all!

We said our prayers tonight, and that was it for the day.  Mom and I are tired, and have to do it all over again tomorrow.  But things are getting better.

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