Monday, January 22, 2024

Warmer... Slightly

Today was a decent day, a Monday that featured rain, rain and more rain.  This came with a warmer temperature - it had to be a lot warmer in order for it not to freeze.  So on one hand we were grateful for the slight warming trend, but on the other hand, if it hadn't warmed up so much, we'd be playing in the snow today.  And honestly, that would have been pretty amazing.  As is, I think it's going to be just a cold rain for a bit.  The birds were grateful outside on the back deck, as we've kept them going these last few weeks with plenty to eat and even drink.  The bird bath we've kept liquid most of the time, melting that solid ice in the morning and frequently making sure they're able to still drink from it.  The birds were dipping into that a lot today, even though the rain was coming down.   

Maddie was back at school, and she says it's going well.  She was of course at Chestatee Elementary, where she'll be for a little while longer.  There was a substitute there today, and she did okay with the kids there.  Her forensics class is going bloody well.  She's studying blood this section, so a lot of bloody jokes here.  Interestingly enough, we're receiving a lot of fake blood in the mail these past few days and the next.  The Easter production is upcoming, and it's good to have that ahead of time, versus the last-minute trips to Marietta or wherever.  So blood is the theme of the day!

Maddie's other classes are going well too - she's studying World War I right now, along with the League of Nations and other stories of that time.  Ironically, we'll be eating at a restaurant called "1923" soon enough, maybe right around the time Maddie gets to the twenties.  Or at least close enough.  That restaurant is on the Disney Wish, a restaurant themed to that particular season, using decor and a lot of early animation from that time.  We'll have a full report on that later, of course.  But tonight we had looked up a video about that place, and it was pretty cool.  Looking forward to it!

There was taekwondo tonight, and that was normal.  I was getting some work done, including one of the messages for Summer Xtreme upcoming.  I nearly finished it up, but it goes very well with the "Tropical Freeze" theme.  I was doing this while watching Maddie spar for a bit, and then train further with her form.  She's loving that class, and that's great.  

We got home from there, after a stop at the gas station.  Those little stops at the gas station are nice - we pick up a few snacks and drinks sometimes, one of them being a coffee drink Maddie saves for the next day.  We're still fasting sweets and meats, so I don't get anything.  But the employees know us well enough each time we come by.

Tonight's feature was "The Mighty Ducks 2," which we all enjoyed again of course.  Maddie had her Mighty Ducks jersey on again, the one featured in this particular movie.  We went to bed not long after that - we were tired.  But we did read, of course.  The plush entourage was down the hall listening to a few more pages of our current book.

There's been this weird little rubber duck that we've been hiding back and forth.  One day it will be in a towel in my bathroom and the next it shows up in Maddie's book bag.  It kind of goes back and forth, and it's been a fun little game we've been doing.  Maddie hasn't found the duck in a bit, but I'll know when she does.  It'll turn up, and it'll be in my face somewhere!

We said our prayers, and that was it.  Time to call it a day!

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