Wednesday, November 3, 2021

National Sandwich Day

It's National Sandwich Day, so of course we had sandwiches today.  And in small groups tonight, I made up this game where the girls were playing a game of memory (or concentration) where they had to match different ingredients that Shaggy would make for one of his world famous sandwiches:  pickles, cheese, hot sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, ham, marshmallows, sardines, an olive on top, and so on.  Of course when playing the game, Maddie found the match for the hot sauce!

So we're all tired - all of us in the state of Georgia - from watching the Braves game last night and from celebrating and making ourselves rather merry.  The quote again and again is "we did it."  Because the fans were there to cheer and buy tickets, and because of that, the general manager makes all these moves to trade for players at the deadline, and because of that... we all win.  Great stuff.  We've spent the day reliving the playoffs, and also looking for that newspaper with the big headlines.  The paper said they will run reprints tomorrow, because a lot of folks went out and bought up all the copies to sell later, I guess.  I'll look again tomorrow.

It was rainy today and cold.  November rain isn't a pretty kind of rain.  We had all kinds of Christmas production meetings today, and oh my, this thing is going to be crazy.  I can't wait for it to be over with, as there will be all kinds of stress leading up to it with costumes, animals, music, dancers, lights, practices, and just a lot of things that need to happen in order for this production to qualify as "spectacular."  It's going to be a balance trying to enjoy this season of our lives while juggling all of this.  

Speaking of juggling, a nurse came to the house today to check on Nana.  Of course one diagnosis is malnutrition.  I am not making that up, nor making light of it.  She refuses to eat frequently, so there are now strategies about what to do about this.  One strategy would be "eat food," but that seems a little obvious.  Today she had half a sandwich in celebration of National Sandwich Day.  This was good news, of course.

Tonight we watched another Christmas movie, "Klaus," which was actually pretty good.  We read from Kingdom Keepers after that, and after that prayers and sleep.  It was an early night, given all the craziness of the previous night.  Still, we are content in Braves Country.

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