Thursday, November 11, 2021

Duck the Halls

It may have been mentioned before here, but over the course of the year I find plenty of old Christmas music recordings on CD and vinyl records at various thrift stores or just on sale somewhere.  Things are cheaper elsewhere in the year, so I like picking them up here and there over the year.  When November rolls around, I pull out all this new music and we have fun sampling it all.  This one release above is actually pretty fun.  Obviously it's different from the Windham Hill and other releases I picked up, but we've enjoyed it!

Maddie is in the middle of some long rehearsal days, starting school early and then staying there after school, staying until around six, running through their production choreography and songs.  We started to get the large tree upstairs today, and will commence with the decorations soon enough.  It's a project that usually takes some time with lights and ornaments and so on, but the end result is pretty nice.  It was beautiful weather to get the tree outside and then up to the main floor of the house - tomorrow is supposed to be not as nice.

I stopped by the library to get a Christmas movie we got last year, "It Happened on Fifth Avenue," which we watched tonight.  I really like this gem of a movie - it was a hidden surprise for me, having never heard of it before.  We're discovering some other new movies this year too, although there are many classics that are nearly mandatory each year.  You have to watch some of these movies, and it's not Christmas season without them!

We were having meetings about the Christmas production today, which is scheduled for December 12th.  That day will be here and gone, and afterwards will be a nice time to actually enjoy the season a bit more. Currently, we'll be super busy trying to get costumes, choreography, animals and so on.  It'll be a nice production, but it's been a lot of work.  I have some writing still to do.

We said our prayers tonight, and we read too.  Everyone is pretty worn out, and we were all ready for bed.

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