Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Thanksgiving Eve is here and we spent much of the day at work.  Mom did some last-minute shopping today, dropping off Christmas cards at the post office, and picking up last minute groceries amongst the throng of fellow shoppers.  I was at work, working on a few things related to booklets and Christmas productions, while Mom was also putting together these magnificent Wise Men costumes that she was working late into the night to complete.  With certain family members in the house all the time now, she's unable to actually do any work on costuming until after her mom has gone to bed.  So Mom is up pretty late every night lately, deep into the early hours working on costumes that we can look at first thing each morning.  We put together some rolling racks that Mom is using now, hanging her new creations on them. Tonight she was putting together these shepherd costumes that are unique and should be really fantastic at the Christmas production.

Tonight's holiday programming was a bit different, because tonight was the premiere of the new show, "Hawkeye," which debuted with two episodes that we watched back-to-back.  It's a holiday-themed series, and the first two episodes were fantastic.  We love Hawkeye just as much as the other Avengers, and are delighted to see him get his own series, just as we were excited to see Black Widow get her own movie this past summer.  It'll be great to watch this as the season moves on, along with the zillions of other holiday movies and specials we typically watch.  We just found out about another live production next week, "Annie," which we've enjoyed over the years too.

Maddie and I played a few games tonight, "Battlefront II" and even a round of "Gaucamele," which we might be having to go ahead and buy, because it was pretty fun.  

Just a quick update - our President has in fact pardoned a few grateful turkeys this year, two named Peanut Butter and Jelly.  Despite changes in government and all tumultuous events of late, there are still some constants that I'm glad stay in place.  The whole pardoning ceremony is one of those things that's just a nice little tradition.

Tonight Maddie also had her small group session with Camille and the other girls.  It's National Jukebox Day, so they played a trivia game using jukeboxes, one where they had to pick which Christmas song a particular lyric came from.  Given that it's Thanksgiving Eve, they were talking about gratitude and being thankful.  There's a lot to be thankful for this year.

We read tonight, a little later.  We can sleep in tomorrow.  But we read a rather sad chapter tonight, one featuring the death of a major character these past seven books.  The book is only halfway through or so, which means we have a long ways to go.  We said our prayers, and Mom got to work on some shepherd costumes for a bit, while I was pretty sleepy already.  We'll have to see those shepherd costumes in the morning!

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