Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Gift 2017

We slept in late this morning, quite a bit actually.  We had just one activity planned for the day today, and that was a trip to Flowery Branch to see "The Gift."  This afternoon, we drove down to the Venue, getting there about a half-hour early to get a good seat.

It's a wonderful Christmas tradition, and the production didn't disappoint.  It's a really nice experience, and it was great to see a good number of people there to watch.  And our names are on the program again, part of the "Angel List."  We've been there a few years now, frequent donors to help support this amazing ministry.

We've been doing this for years now, the first time actually in 2009.  She was so tiny then, and now look at her.  She's a dancer herself now, twirling and doing pirouettes each week in ballet class.  She enjoyed the performance, and of course the snacks at intermission:  candy cane bark, and gluten-free brownies.

Afterwards, we went home and had some dinner.  Daddy got the Christmas tree up in the great room, and did all the fluffing.  The lights, however, are all strangely out for that tree.  We'll get more tomorrow, and hopefully get it decorated too.

In the meantime, it was time for a Thanksgiving movie, "Free Birds," and another traditional Thanksgiving food:  popcorn!  Okay, so that's only traditional if you're familiar with the Peanuts Thanksgiving.  It's still good eating though...

The wind is howling tonight, and the weather might be turning a bit cooler again.  Today it was a bit warmer, although not quite summer-like.  The temperature has been fluctuating quite a bit this fall, but it's definitely clear that the weather is not something you want to be out in tonight, with so much wind and rain.  We'll see what it's like in the morning - right now, you can hear things falling over out there in the dark.

Time to focus, study some lines for tomorrow's big wrap-up of our story with Get-A-Clue, and hopefully get some sleep.

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