Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dr. Jake Wexler

Madison brought home one of her creative projects from school, a poster she made to illustrate the character of Dr. Jake Wexler.  You can see he's obviously a doctor of medicine, as evidenced by his 3D stethoscope, tie, and other objects on the poster board.  And as a bonus, we can actually open the medical bags floating around him to discover a few things about his character:

This was really creative!  Just in case you have no idea who Dr. Jake Wexler is, don't worry.  You're not alone.  Neither do Mommy or Daddy.  Madison has been reading this book at school with her class, and to go with the theme we've had at church, yes it's a mystery.  It's "The Westing Game," and Madison has enjoyed the book so much that she wants it for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, on the way back from piano class today, we stopped at Dairy Queen for a seasonal tradition:  Candy Cane Blizzards.  These were good, especially for Madison, who finished hers probably before we even left the Gainesville city limits.  Mommy and Daddy were longing tonight for the old fashioned egg nog milkshakes we used to have, but for tonight this candy cane treat was delicious.

Tonight before bed, we squeezed in a Christmas special, "Toy Story that Time Forgot."  The little angel ornament is Madison's favorite character in that one.  It's a pretty short special, and it has to be, as we had to get upstairs to bed on time tonight.  Besides, Nancy Drew was waiting with yet another mystery!

Mommy and Daddy have been watching a lot of old Christmas specials lately.  Sherry Lewis had a few, so just for fun, and just before we quickly faded off into dreamland, Mommy and Daddy watched some ancient Sherry Lewis Christmas episodes, with Lambchop and Charlie Horse.  And this other weird dog character that seemed to fall off ladders and bump into things a lot.  This is probably because the person inside that costume couldn't see very well!

Time to sleep.  We have a lot going on lately, including devotionals, major Christmas productions, and of course the current series at KidPak.  It's sort of catching up with us, so tonight's a great night for a good night's rest.  Sleep tight!

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