Friday, November 10, 2017

Crazy for You

Madison is above, standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Wasn't it nice to see everyone standing with the hands over their hearts?  Today was Veteran's Day, and there was a one-hour long service to celebrate the day itself.  It was great to see the kids out there in the cafeteria, learning what the day itself was all about.  And it was great to see over sixty veterans show up to be honored, most of them appearing for breakfast, and then the ceremony itself.  Some veterans spoke, and by the end of it, you had the sense that the kids were really understanding the importance of Veteran's Day.  Daddy was on hand to snap a lot of pictures of the kids, and the veterans too.  This one below was very moving.

This gentleman was there, spending the entire time in his wheelchair.  But when the National Anthem played, just like the other veterans in the room, he rose to his feet.  That said so much to many of us.

Madison got to see Mrs. Clark again, her teacher from last year.  Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?  Anyway, this ceremony was very nice - educational, and a proper way to honor our veterans.  By the end of it, there was a sense that we did something well, at least for today.

So school was good for Madison, and Daddy meanwhile was at a long meeting about the upcoming Christmas production at the church.  As big as it is, the thing that gets us more excited at KidPak is our upcoming series, "Humbug!"  Scrooge is back, and it's going to be marvelous!

But there was another production that got us all excited tonight:  

Madison, Mommy and Daddy went to see "Crazy for You" at the Hosch Theater, not really knowing what it was about, but knowing that everything the Gainesville Theater Alliance does lately has been gold.  That being said, this production was absolutely wonderful.

This production was every bit as big and every bit as fun as the previous ones "Beauty and the Beast" and "Mary Poppins."  The tap dancing was fantastic, and the choreography throughout was just spectacular.  Madison was laughing throughout, right along with the rest of the audience, who were clapping, tapping feet, and singing those classics like "I Got Rhythm" and "Someone to Watch Over Me."

Plus, look who else was with us?  Camille and her mom were with us, which Madison was pretty happy to see.  We all got there a bit early, which was a nice time catching up, although we do tend to see each other all the time! 

Although the Hosch Theater wasn't as happy to see us.  You can see here the map of the place - one of the running jokes with us is finding faces in things, like you see above.  This one cracked us up.  It almost looks as if the Hosch Theater is rolling its eyes!

Anyway, the play started, and it was really enjoyable for all of us.  We had a great time, and you can pretty much be sure we'll all be here again this time next year.  Who could ask for anything more?

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