Monday, November 13, 2017

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

The order of the day was getting the living room's Christmas tree up, as well as decorated with lights and ornaments.  And yay, that was accomplished!

Also accomplished:  the "Humbug!" booklet.  Daddy submitted the sixteen pages of messages, and the twenty-five page devotional to the printer today.  It's a forty-four page booklet that the kids will get, with plenty of Bible, and plenty of talk about one Ebenezer Scrooge.

Madison had a good day at school, and is doing so well with her tests lately.  That last vocabulary test she got a 103 on.  We're studying for the upcoming one, which has words like superb, supervisor, surplus, and superabundant.

Okay, stop.  Who uses the word "superabundant" in a sentence, ever?  I have never heard anyone use the word superabundant before.  It isn't necessarily a fancy word, either.  It's just "abundant" with a "super" in front of it.  So it's not like it's a terribly complicated word.  But at the same time, it is a mouthful.  In fact, the definition that Madison is studying tells us the word means:  "more than enough."  That definition actually contains fewer syllables than "superabundant."

Tonight we had ballet and jazz, and right after that, we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, and to drop off some boxes for the Samaritan's Purse.

This location was great, because they provided the boxes, and they pay for the shipping as well.   All we have to do is bring in the toys and items to put into the boxes, which we of course did.  We each got a box, and folded it up and made it.  Daddy made a boys box, and Madison and Mommy made up girls boxes.

We filled them to the top with items from around the house, and some other things that Mommy and Daddy went out to purchase while Madison was in dance classes.  Chick-Fil-A helped out by donating some small stuffed cows and other items, and by the time we were done, we had three boxes to donate to Samaritan's Purse.

Here's Madison giving the girl boxes to the woman taking the collections.  It was great to do this together, a really nice teachable moment.  No doubt there are many more children this year in dire situations this Christmas, so hopefully even this little box of goodies will bring some much-needed holiday cheer.  Beyond this, of course it's great to show Madison the value of giving.  She had a hand in making her own box, and then filling it up to make sure we made it nice as a Christmas gift.

We went home, and it was pretty much time for bed.  We promised Madison if she was quick in getting ready for bed, we'd read a little bit more of the Mystery of the Red Gate Farm.  And we did read a lot:  we finished the book, in fact.  It was one of those deals where we were at the very end, and we couldn't leave Nancy, Bess, and George in trouble.  Let's just say the Black Snake Colony is a thing of the past, and that crime doesn't pay, even if you're printing your own money!  Madison enjoyed this book a lot, as did all of us.  Next up:  a Nancy Drew book that takes place over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Daddy ordered this one online, so hopefully it'll get here soon enough.  It's a seasonal book, so I thought it would be a fun read before Thanksgiving.

Anyway, we said our prayers and read the penultimate entry in the devotional.  I just love that word "penultimate."  Yes, we're almost done with "Get a Clue" already.  It seems like not long ago, we were worried about how to make a giant LEGO figure.  And now that's nearly two series ago.  Time goes by.  In fact, we were looking back on this very blog to the last time we did "Humbug!"  It was December of 2011, about six years ago.  Of course, Madison doesn't remember anything about that.  But this time she will, because she really wants to be on stage.  She's enjoying her acting experience!

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