Monday, November 20, 2017


Today's great accomplishment was going out to get lights, see a movie, and drop by the library.  Yep, that's about it.  Daddy did do a bit of writing towards the Christmas production, and we did do some research in that direction, namely looking into costuming possibilities.  We also ordered a costume for Ebenezer Scrooge, at least the thing he'll wear when he's dressed up properly for visiting.  Usually though, you find him in his nightgown.  That's another matter altogether, one we're working on.

We dropped off one Nancy Drew book about a farm, and picked up another, one about a ranch.  This time, it appears as if Nancy Drew is visiting some familiar locations in Arizona, all in order to solve yet another mystery.  Again, we've already gotten folks that are trying to scare her off - it seems her reputation precedes her!

Today's movie was "Thor:  Ragnarok," which was better than the second "Thor" movie, but still not as good as the first, really.  On one hand, the new characters and story were great, and there were some big laughs all the way through, particularly from Korg, a friendly rock gladiator.  The complete disregard for other characters though was odd.  To play such a big part in the first two movies, and just be gone just like that... one character, nobody even knows what happened to.  Seven characters who Thor cares about deeply (according to the first two movies, at least) are just sort of blatantly disregarded in this one.  The rest of the movie was fun though, with some great scenes from Hulk, Thor, Loki, and even Dr. Strange.  Madison enjoyed the movie, along with the big tub of popcorn.  We'll be back to the theater soon enough though, as there are plenty of movies to see this season.  Suddenly we want to see all kinds of movies, whereas there usually isn't much to see.  This time, we could peek down the hall and see each auditorium had a movie we were wanting to check out.  Plus there are another few opening this week as well.  So yeah, we'll be at the theater quite a few more times before the year's end.

We went to Hobby Lobby afterwards, and got our Christmas lights.  Daddy would spend time putting these on the tree when we got home, all while Mommy and Madison watched another movie we got in the mail recently:  "Coat of Many Colors."  This was a Dolly Parton movie, and it was actually really good.  Daddy got all the lights on, while Madison and Mommy snuggled on the couch to watch it.  Tomorrow, we'll see the sequel, "Christmas of Many Colors," presumably while putting on the Christmas ornaments.  With the recent trip to Dollywood, it was an interesting and inspirational look into Dolly's past.  The introduction even has her speaking to the audience from the entrance of Dollywood there at Christmas time.

It's about to get busy for Mommy, who has a tremendous amount of Thanksgiving preparations to do, both for our office Thanksgiving and for the one we'll have at our house this Thursday.

Tonight, we started that new Nancy Drew book, "The Secret of the Shadow Ranch," along with the "Tribes Christmas" devotional again.  We said our prayers, and it was off to bed.  It's chilly right now, so we're all ready to snuggle, and get some rest!

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