Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Photography Class

Madison began her photography class today - the idea is that the next class will be the Toastmasters.  This was her first choice, although she did prejudge the Toastmasters class, she's heard more about it, and who else is in it.  So now she's also excited about that one as well.  There's certainly a surplus of classes, and not enough time!  At least she'll be able to do one, and then another.  Both are beneficial, of course, and both are enjoyable!

She was already taking a few pictures today, and learning about a few of the settings on the camera as well.  Soon enough, we'll hopefully have her own camera.  We've got a few old digital ones in the house that need just lithium batteries, hopefully.  That is to say, hopefully that's all it takes to get them up and going again.  We'll see, as these cameras seem a bit prehistoric.  Okay, so that's an exaggeration.  Anyway, in the meantime, the supervisor there made sure that each child in the class gets their own camera for the session.  There are somewhere between ten and twenty students in the class (Madison said she's bad at estimating!), but just enough so that everyone gets a camera of their own.

Tonight, Daddy did a craft in class, one that he spotted online.  We sort of did our own version of it in class, and it came out really well.  It reminded me of when we first started at KidPak, doing crafts in class a lot of the time.  They're fun to do, and in this case, fun to do with a bit of a learning along the way.  We'll do this craft at home, in fact, and I predict she'll have a lot to write down to be thankful for this year.  It's been a good year for us.

We had some gluten free pizza tonight that was just superb, and after that did a bit of reading from the latest Nancy Drew book.  This one book is for younger readers, so by about halfway through reading tonight, Madison has it already figured out.   She knows who the culprits are!

Speaking of books, the movie "Wonder" is going to have a premiere this upcoming weekend.  Madison really liked that book, so we may need to go check it out.

Today was art class for her, and she spent that time learning about a Indian legend involving a boy with a paintbrush - and a superabundance of colors.  We're trying to use as many of her vocabulary words this week.  In fact, you can find these vocabulary words in the paragraphs above:  superb, superabundance, supervisor, surplus, premiere, predict, prejudge, and prehistoric.  Can you find them?

Okay, time to go to bed.  Tonight we're watching a few Thanksgiving television specials, including "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show."  Only one more week until Thanksgiving!

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