Friday, January 9, 2015

Good Report Card!

Pillaging and plundering was the plan of the day:  we were looking for Viking costuming at various thrift stores, and doing quite well finding furs and generally brown clothing.  Of course, it could be that Vikings actually all wore pastel-colored items.  But today's idea of a Viking is that they wore brown.  And black.  And grey.  That said, we faced more of the brutal cold today, in order to pillage and plunder and find costuming for four Vikings.  That we did, for the most part.  And isn't it just like God to plant a random thing at a consignment shop like a Helga doll, from "Hagar the Horrible."  So incredibly random, and so we picked it up.  We had too - we're doing this series on Vikings and what are the odds of running into a doll like that?

Today Madison brought home her report card, and all was well.  She has done well again, getting mostly threes and a few twos as well, although the twos represent learning concepts that the class as a whole is still working on.  In other words, she is on pace pretty much.  She had this dream last night about a Disney Infinity figure in front of a big television, so when we got home from our pillage and plunder tour, she got home and discovered that there was actually a Disney Infinity figure in front of our television set!  Daddy had set all that up as a reward for a good report card, and it was just the figure she was hoping for:  Maleficent.  Naturally, we were off and running, playing this game for a bit with the new figure.  Madison likes her a lot.  I'm not sure what this says about her, but there you are.

Gas prices are plummetting along with the temperature.  We just might be able to get a gallon of gas for under two dollars soon, which is something we haven't seen since the last President was in office. Not that either President is responsible directly for any price change, but how can all this cheaper gas NOT affect the economy in a good way.  Each time we go to the gas station, we spend $20 less.  Which means we can spend $20 somewhere else.  Just like everyone else.  I think that is why Christmas was a bigger year this year, but I'm no economist.  All I know is that for the time being, many folks are smiling as they leave the gas station.  Hopefully we can all be wise with our penny saved, penny earned.

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