Wednesday, January 7, 2015

18 and Under

Okay, so brrr?  That's the temperature right now.  It'll get to be nine degrees later, with a wind chill that will make it feel like zero.  Yikes!

Today was cold all day long though, not just a sudden plunge.  It was just a gradual descent into the lower registry on the thermometer, a place we seem to be visiting more each winter.  I do not remember these temperatures that frequently when I was younger.  They certainly did happen, but not each and every winter.  Not this low.

Fortunately, we're warming up tomorrow.  In fact, it'll be twice as warm tomorrow as it is today!  Of course, when you're starting at nine degrees, that isn't much…!

Madison dressed über warmly today, as did Daddy.  The key is layers, folks.  Even two pairs of socks help out, especially in the frigid atmosphere known as my office.  But Madison stayed plenty warm today with her cute little Uni-Kitty hat on, gloves, and the whole pink package.  Dropping her off at school was amazing - all the teachers out there in practically snow suits, these rounded off shapes with two feet sticking out the bottom:  "Come this way kids!"  I really felt sorry for them having to endure all that time out there in the cold.  I had it easy:  all I had to do was stand out for a few minutes at the bus stop this afternoon.  The sun was up, and although it was in the twenties or whatever, it was quite a bit warmer than standing out there in the cold dark, relishing the heat that came from exhaust pipes of passing cars.

Today was work, but for Madison it was a day to return to tennis.  It was her first tennis practice of the year 2015, and her first time picking up a tennis racket this year too.  Yes, I know.  We're only a week in.  Still, it's a big deal.  We're excited about her tennis lessons.

Here's one of her tennis buddies, a gift from Santa.  This is Spectra Vondergeist, a Monster High doll who likes playing a bit of tennis too.  Apparently, she's the 'ghost gossiper' at the school, one you don't want to share secrets with.  But it's okay to play tennis with her!

Class today had a lot of 'noobs,' which is slang for 'newbies,' which means they are kids that don't play much tennis.  It takes longer for them to learn some of the basics, because they are like Madison was a little over a year ago.  That said, it is approaching time to move on to more advanced classes - that is, if she wants to improve her game.  We're not pushing her to be some ultra powerful tennis champion, but we do know she likes things to be more of a challenge.

Along those lines, that's what she's got with piano practice this week. She's doing a 'rag,' a song that is a little more fast-paced, and involves more dancing of the fingers.  It's slow-going to begin with, but she's actually doing better than Daddy is.  Which isn't saying much right now!

So today Daddy finished the first script of the "Northern Lights" series, where Vikings come to Arendelle.  The idea - one that I'm not advertising - is that they are coming because the castle gates are open for the first time in forever.  That's because there's a coronation for a new queen.  But there are cold surprises in store!

Here's the first part:

KidPak Adventures:  Northern Lights
The Hammer of God

INCALZANDO holds 5-6 small Bibles



NARRATOR:  “Welcome to the Frozen North.  It is a land of legend, where sky meets land, and the setting for our story within a story.  Here, you'll find Vikings, adventure, and cold hearts in the darkness.  Here you'll find... The Northern Lights!"

BROTHER CRESCENDO and SISTER INCALZANDO enter STAGE LEFT, remaining at that side.  INCALZANDO is holding a few Bibles and books.  CRESCENDO faces STAGE LEFT, INCALZANDO faces STAGE RIGHT.

CRESCENDO:  "Come along Sister Incalzando!  There is much to show you here in your new position at the church!"

INCALZANDO:  "But where are the other monks?  Is it only you?"

CRESCENDO:  "Everyone is off to see the queen's coronation.  The castle doors are open, and that is too much of a temptation for them!"

INCALZANDO:  "They left you alone to watch over the church?"

CRESCENDO:  "But of course!  Don't worry - nobody will be by here today.  (with mischief)  Unless you consider... the Vikings!"

INCALZANDO:  "Vikings?"

CRESCENDO:  "Savages from the north who plunder, burn and take prisoners to sell for ransom!  Don't worry though, they never come here."

INCALZANDO:  "How can you be so sure?"

CRESCENDO:  "We haven't seen a Viking in years."


CRESENDO:  (continues) "You can tell them by their horned hats, their fierce looks, their ugly faces, their..."

INCALZANDO gasps and points

CRESCENDO:  "...right behind me, aren't they?"

CRESCENDO turns, and VIKINGS all let out a hearty roar, which causes CRESCENDO to flee and hide behind INCALZANDO.  INCALZANDO and CRESENDO then hide over in corner of EXTREME STAGE LEFT.

GARDAR:  "It is a fine day for conquest!  We'll have more riches than our battle at Mordor."

VLAD:  "But one does not simply walk into Mordor."

GARDAR:  "Very true.  But here, the castle gates are open!  We can just walk in and plunder to our hearts content.  Torny, what will you do with your share of the loot?"

TORNY:  "I will make a big pile of treasure, and put my seat at the top of it, from which no one will unrest me!"

IVAR:  "Not even Hagar the Horrible?"

TORNY:  "Let that filthy mongrel try!"

TORNY playfully punches VLAD in the shoulder as all laugh heartily.

GARDAR:  "Ha!  And I will use my share to finish building the castle, which will bear our family name for years to come!  How about you, Vlad?"

VLAD scowls and looks thoughtful.

VLAD:  "I will horde up all the treasure that is rightfully mine... and use it to buy... another charm for my charm bracelet.  (gesturing to charm bracelet)  I have one here for each battle!  This one is for the battle of Nesjar, the battle of Stiklestad, and here's one for the battle of East Hall High School!"

VIKINGS mutter:  "Good game, good game, etc."

GARDAR:  "Ah!  Riches will be ours to spend as we please!  And son, what of your share of the treasure?"

IVAR:  "I was hoping to start a small orphanage for underprivileged children, actually."

GARDAR, VLAD and TORNY look at IVAR with shock.  

VLAD: "Well, I was going to do that next."

TORNY:  "Me too!"

GARDAR:  "Wait a minute!  Son, you're a viking, part of a rich family heritage.  We plunder!  Vlad, do you remember that large straw goat in the city Gävle?"

VLAD:  "We burned it to the ground!"

GARDAR:  "Exactly!"

IVAR:  "But dad.  Don't you think there's something more to life?  We have so much plunder already - when is it ever enough?"


GARDAR:  "When I say it is enough!"

TORNY and VLAD go and grab CRESCENDO and INCALZANDO, and bring them to CENTER STAGE.

TORNY:  "What treasures are you guarding, monks?"

INCALZANDO:  "I don't know of any treasure."

CRESCENDO:  "The only treasure we hold is the Hammer of God."

CRESCENDO gestures to CENTER STAGE, where the Hammer of God rests.

GARDAR walks towards Hammer of God, standing behind it.

VLAD:  "The Hammer of God?"

CRESCENDO:  "The Hammer of God - it's a symbol.  It's there to remind us of the most powerful tool we have."

TORNY:  "More powerful than our swords and axes?"

CRESCENDO:  "Indeed!  It is the Word of God.  The Bible tells us God's word is like a hammer that smashes rock to pieces!"

INCALZANDO hands out mini-Bibles to VIKINGS VLAD, TORNY, IVAR, and GARDAR.

INCALZANDO:  "Yes, His words are powerful.  You should read them!"

VLAD, TORNY and IVAR begin to open Bibles to read, but GARDAR reaches down and grasps the Hammer of God's handle.

ELSA:  "Let it go!"

ELSA enters STAGE LEFT.  GARDAR lets go, but only as a surprise reaction to a new presence.

GARDAR:  "Who are you?"

CRESCENDO bows down.

CRESCENDO:  "Your highness!"

GARDAR:  "No one orders me around, your highnessness."

GARDAR reaches down to pick up Hammer of God, but cannot lift it.

GARDAR: "It is frozen to the ground.  All my strength cannot even lift it!"

IVAR:  (to ELSA)  "Did you do this?"

VLAD: "Sorcery!"

ELSA:  "Stand back.  I don't want to hurt you."

VLAD, GARDAR, IVAR and TORNY laugh loudly.

TORNY:  "You?  Hurt us?  Ha!"

VLAD, GARDAR, IVAR and TORNY again laugh loudly, as ELSA gradually slides towards STAGE RIGHT

CRESCENDO:  "But the coronation?  Aren't you supposed to be at your coronation?"

ELSA:  "Something has happened.  I wish not to speak of it."

GARDAR:  "But the gates to the castle still remain open, do they not?"

ELSA:  "I can see the coldness in your heart, and I must warn you against the path you are taking."

VLAD:  "Icy words, your highness.  And what are your plans to stop us?"

ELSA shakes her head back and forth in sad frustration.

ELSA:  "I don't want to hurt you!"

ELSA turns, and rushes to STAGE RIGHT entrance.

CRESCENDO:  "But you're heading into the mountains!  You'll freeze up there!"

ELSA turns back quickly.

ELSA:  "The cold never bothered me anyway."

ELSA rushes off STAGE RIGHT.

TORNY:  "She's getting away!"

GARDAR grabs IVAR by the shoulders.

GARDAR:  "Son.  Make me proud.  Be a Viking.  She'll be worth a lot of money to us.  Go, and track her down!"

IVAR: "But dad..."

GARDAR:  (angered) "Go!"

IVAR looks around in a desperate plea for support, but finding none, reluctantly jogs off STAGE RIGHT in pursuit.

CRESCENDO: "You... you can't do this."

GARDAR:  "Yes I can.  You are now our prisoners.  Come with us - we've got a castle to plunder."


NARRATOR: "We know not what will happen next, but we do know this one thing:  You do not want to miss out on the next chapter of this exciting new adventure, where we head to the frozen north once more.  Join us next time for KidPak Adventures:  Northern Lights!"

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