Monday, January 5, 2015


Wow, what a movie.  Daddy didn't get to see this as a kid.  I saw a movie trailer for it, and wanted to see it.  And so not getting a chance to see it only increased the movie's stature over time.  So recently when we saw the power disc for Disney Infinity, the one for Condorman's wings, the memory of this movie that I've never seen came up again.  And I mentioned it to Mommy a few months ago, and that's one of the things I found under the Christmas tree this year.

So tonight, we saw the movie.  And it was really fun!  Seriously, don't be so uptight as to not enjoy an old corny movie like this one.  There's a certain bit of "so bad it is good" in it, but at the same time, it's just a fun movie to pop in and munch on a bunch of popcorn while watching.  Truthfully, many of the stunts in the James Bond movies of the sixties and seventies were just as corny, and nobody gives those movies that much of a hard time.  They even had bad acting and weird, convenient gadgets and gizmos that just so happened to help out at the right time.  And that's what's great about this movie - it's a revisit to that glorious era where for some reason, nobody minded that sort of thing and we just enjoyed a fun movie for what it was.  That said, I don't blame anyone for not liking it.  We were laughing at stuff all the way through it, but not in the 'hate-watching' way that some folks watched last month's "Peter Pan."  Instead, it was a fun time.  Two thumbs up here, because that's all the thumbs I have.

ANYWAY, today was Madison's last day of winter break - so that meant going to bed early.  Or at least on time.  We did have some school work today though.  It was a "Snow Day Drill" assignment that she had to do online.  She had a paragraph or so to write about what she did on winter break.  She wrote that out, with a little help from Mommy and Daddy, typing one key at a time on this keyboard here.  And she did a great job, too.  The reason for the assignment, and the phrase "Snow Day Drill," is because when we have future snow days (days where we can't go to school), Madison and the other students of Forsyth County schools will have the luxury of doing homework assignments online - and not missing out on a school day.  This will keep us from having to use make-up days, or other methods to make up for lost time.  And it also keeps the momentum going for education.  So we're all for it, so long as we get some time to go out and play in the snow as well!

Madison did finish her reading assignments too.  Also, her piano practice was completed as well - so she got another prize.  She welcomed Clawdeen to the Monster High doll collection this afternoon.  Daddy told her to check out the mansion where her other dolls were, and when she looked, there was this squeal of delight!

So much of the day was spent getting the DeSantafication Process really going.  To that extent, the main Christmas tree no longer has ornaments on it.  This is a longer process.  But we listened to some CDs while doing so.  As we are on this church fast, we've been listening to a lot of different preaching CDs.  And along those lines, we've been reading this new children's Bible to Madison.  It has more words than others, but lots of pictures as well.

As far as the fast goes, it is always an interesting time to try out fast-friendly recipes.  Mommy made a soup with carrots, apples and ginger in it.  This was made in the crock-pot, and turned out pretty well.  She also made these pancakes from bananas and egg whites, along with cooked apples on top.  She always has these great ideas for recipes this time of year, recipes so good you think you're cheating a little!

The temperatures are dropping slowly, but they're about to plunge deep later this week.  It's officially winter now, and everyone is looking out for that one perfect moment where precipitation meets below-freezing temperatures.  This week, we'll see a lot of the latter.

So "Holly" was well-received.  We know that now because we got a message from the pastor, who is now looking for another production for Easter.  Yes, it's January 6th.  But it's never too early to start thinking about Easter.  Okay, so maybe it is a little early.  I'll start planning for it tomorrow.

Maybe we can do a modern retelling, and throw in a scene with Condorman!

Or... not.

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