Thursday, March 16, 2023

Incoming Rain

Taekwondo was tonight, so we were off and running that way for a bit.  Maddie enjoyed it, helping others as an instructor first, and then in class herself.  She's not dong the bo staff this season, as the class is now working with swords.  She doesn't like the swords as much, which any reader of this blog knows very well.  But she is doing well with the sword, and at least on Saturdays she can practice with the bo staff for Team Edge.  Except this Saturday - there's a tournament, and there are students participating in that, which means Team Edge practice is cancelled for this week.  Maddie wasn't interested in the tournament, or at least not yet.  She's super talented though, and I know she'd do well.  We'll be open for that whenever she's ready, and if she'd rather not, that's okay too. 

She had her small groups again tonight, and that was nice for about an hour and a half or so.  She is pretty happy to join that online group, which I guess has been going on for three years now?  Amazing it has held up this long, something set up around the time of the pandemic when we were all being forced to stay in our homes for a few weeks, which sort of extended on and on and on.  But the small group extended on and on too, and that was a great resource for Maddie, one we're grateful for.

I had a little progress with the skit, but not quite finished yet.  No further progress with the Weird Science booklets quiet yet, although I think we'll be able to order a Van de Graaff generator.  That's cool, although we might not have a place to put it within the church.  Mom's prop room might be taken over, with all the props banished to third floor.  Ugh. That's not going to go well, but they've hired new people and there's nowhere to put them, apparently.  That prop room has been more than a headache.

Anyway, we had another quiet day today, working towards the production and other aspects and events here, moving forward.  We read tonight from the devotional and the Discworld, and went to bed right after prayers, waiting for the rain to start coming in again.

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