Tuesday, December 27, 2022


We had one movie at Christmas under the tree this year - isn't that funny?  It used to be there'd be DVDs or in the old days even VHS tapes under the tree.  But there was one movie now, and here it is, "Jurassic Park Dominion."  We watched it again tonight, and this would be the third time this year actually, including that first theater experience in the summer.  It's a great conclusion to the franchise, although I do think they'll make more dinosaur movies in time, because why not?  Each one includes new dinosaurs, and this one is no different, as it features this terrifying therizinosaurus, which is a mouthful to say.  This dinosaur is not carnivorous, and yet the scene with it creeping through the forest is still pretty thrilling.  By the film's end, of course this dino comes back and plays a big part.  We enjoyed another visit to Jurassic Park tonight, knowing full well everyone would be running for their lives.

Let's see... today we were out shopping for wigglemarsh clothing, and also perhaps a few items for a White Queen.  We kept Nana busy for a bit there, but if you don't keep that plate spinning, she sort of goes into sleep mode and no eat mode.  We've got another appointment coming up on Monday, one where she'll tour this place in Braselton again, and hopefully get some vaccinations with a nurse.  No doubt the nurse will make commentary about her weight - we're trying to get Nana to eat.  Mom makes these nice breakfasts, but Nana is always saying, "No thank you." 

This morning, we had French Toast, and that was really good of course.  I walked off the calories a bit on the treadmill, walking through London at Christmas time.  It was a nice little walk.  We did a few other things today, squeezing in a board game while Nana was napping, and even doing a few mad-libs.  The board game is Super Mario LIFE, and it really doesn't have much to do with a standard flow of a life game.  It's actually pretty fun!

One of the things I got for Christmas is some exercise balls that you sort of swing around a bit to increase muscle strength in the rotator cuff area.  Each night I go to sleep with a strap on, keeping my arm straight and running down attached to my leg.  Day one was yesterday, and day two was today - there are four exercise balls in the kit, each one having increasing weight.  Each one you use for ten days before advancing to the next weight up.  I'm looking forward to having my shoulders work again - Mom got this for me, and I'll be testing it out the next forty days.  We'll see how it works!

Tonight we wrapped up our latest book, "Mort," and I think we'll pick up another Terry Pratchett book tomorrow, one called "Interesting Times."  I read that one last year, and I think Maddie might like it because it features Rincewind, Twoflower, and a few other familiar faces.  And the Luggage.

We made the best of the day, getting some things done for the new series while keeping Nana busy.  Tonight we said our prayers after reading.  Maddie's been listening to this Bible app for the entire year, and she's right there at the end, having gotten through the entire Bible in one year.  We are so super proud of her - she'll wrap it up on New Year's Eve.  

Okay, it's time for bed.  Quiet day today, and we'll get some sleep. 

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