Sunday, December 11, 2022

Getting our Ducks in a Row

Jingle has all his ducks in a row, apparently, and quite literally.  This morning we got the gift of Christmas ducks!  Maddie went from advent calendar to advent calendar, checking out the hot sauce of the day, then the Marvel character of the day, and then the LEGO Star Wars creation of the day too.  Meanwhile, I was getting over to my advent calendar, which is a different Star Wars sock each day - today's sock was a good one!  I now have WOOKIE socks, which go perfectly with my Wookie pajamas, and my Wookie hat!

I love how ridiculous I look.  Obviously, this is just for around the house.  Although that hat is very, very popular outside the house as I walk around.  You wouldn't believe the amount of people that stop me in public this time of year, complete strangers, just to tell me how much they like that hat.  Some don't even know what Star Wars is - they just like the hat.  Most know who Chewbacca is, and that's cool.

Amidst all this work with the Christmas production, there is in fact a new series at KidPak.  We've been going to Narnia for the first time, and it's been somewhat of a "soft opening" for the series, as there is - again - all this Christmas Production stuff going on.  But the plan was always to go with the seven Chronicles of Narnia, going through one book at a time.  Last Sunday we visited "The Magician's Nephew," so this weekend it was off to the big one, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."  Earlier, I posted the script for the movie message, which went very well in service today.  In both services, when Aslan returns at the end, there was a huge applause from our audience, and it was all organic and unexpected.  Pastor Lance spoke about Jesus and led the kids in a prayer of salvation, and it was just a great morning overall - we showed about five clips from that movie, and we'll probably do the same with a few other Narnia stories in January.

We got home and relaxed of course.  Maddie is having a Phineas and Ferb marathon, and things were somewhat laid back.  It's about to get crazy, so we need to rest.  Tonight we read from our book, and we said our prayers, and got ourselves a good night's rest.  This next week is going to be busy!

Maddie's pov:

There was church today as usual. I volunteered in both services. In the first service after a game, I was giving a high five to two kids, and another volunteer tried to do the same thing, but they just left him hanging. He had given himself a high five after the second hid just walked by him, which was funny and kinda sad.

After church, it was pretty chill. I found my elf, did the advent calendars, and watched Phineas and Ferb. I was going to do math, but I got distracted as usual.

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