Monday, December 19, 2022

Boba at Christmas

This morning Jingle had a nice surprise or two for Maddie - some Boba tea and a t-shirt with... is that Boba Fett?  It's a new kind of boba tea called Boba Tea, and the t-shirt looks pretty cool too.  Notice Jingle is wearing the Boba Fett mask, and Snowflake?  Of course Snowflake is wearing a Fennic Shand mask.

So it stands to reason we were out today stopping by one of Maddie's favorite boba tea places.  This one had a nice little tree set up in the front area, and the two of us stopped by for a game of checkers and a couple boba teas.  We were out shopping for some things for Mom, going from place to place.  Meanwhile, this afternoon Nana had an appointment with a lady named Dana, who immediately gets Maddie and I saying, "There is no Dana.  Only Zuul!"  But Dana is supposed to offer assistance to Nana with possibly finding another place to stay, as Nana has been wanting to find another place to stay.  Of course, that mentality fluctuates, particularly as Dana arrives.  But all last week Nana was ready for her to come visit, asking all day long, at least once every five to ten minutes.  So the meeting today was up and down, but the end result of it is that Dana (not Zuul) will be coming in a few days to take Nana on a tour of a few local places where she can stay if she'd like.  Of course, Nana is amazingly set in her mind about certain things, so it'll be interesting.  We'll see how it goes.

Maddie had exams today, and she's not exactly thrilled about that.  Who could blame her?  Other than that, it was a quiet day, outside of the epic store-to-store adventure Maddie and I had.  We were visiting at least seven or eight different locations, plus a grocery store trip, so we were out for quite some time and certainly ready to head back.

Tonight we watched some Christmas specials, and then read from our book, and then said our prayers.  It was a decent day - we got some shopping done, and I feel better about Mom's Christmas now.  A day of accomplishments with the Christmas shopping always helps with the stress.  Good night!

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