Friday, December 2, 2022

Jingle Sleepover Party

It looks like Jingle and Snowflake had a pretty good sleepover party last night.  Some Marvel friends are all lined up there in some new Marvel socks that Maddie will be able to wear some time soon.  Of course, these join the socks that I'm gaining each day with the daily sock advent calendar... and yes, Maddie's got her advent calendars too.  Each morning there are plenty of advent calendars!

You can see Maddie the taekwondo instructor tonight, as usual helping out her fellow students with their form or any other guidance she can offer.

It was a nice night, all the students working hard to wrap up training for their next testing.  Master and Mrs. Edge both feel like Maddie is ready to do her next testing, so she'll be doing that pretty soon.  Here she is, kicking off December's practices.

She's been working with the kamas this quarter, as have all the other students, and I haven't really gotten too many pictures of her with these.  At least not this quarter, so here below are a few snaps of her as she tosses it behind her back for a quick catch and twirl.

It was a fun day today, of course.  We're getting ready for Narnia this weekend, and beyond that we were watching a Christmas movie and getting more decorations up and going around the house.  It's looking nice.  Tonight we read from our book, and we said our prayers before bed... we saw the latest episode of "The Santa Clauses," and we're all wondering who the mystery person is at the end... our early guess is Bernard! 

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