Tuesday, August 9, 2022

It's Tuesday

It's Tuesday, so of course we had tacos.  We have our taco trucks and all the fixings prepared at the table, because around here, Taco Tuesday is something like a weekly holiday!

Maddie's school season is kicking off now, and there are forms to fill out and a reading list or two coming home.  She'll be reading Shakespeare this year, and "The Lord of the Flies," which I can't think of the title without thinking of the movie "Hook."  I'm not entirely sure how "The Lord of the Flies" has endured all this time, which is to say I had to read it in high school too.  I was not a fan, but then again, I'm not a fan of many classics.  I didn't mind "The Scarlet Letter," and of course I love anything to do with Mark Twain, largely.  I just couldn't get excited about a bunch of kids going crazy on an island.  Sorry Maddie.  I didn't mean to spoil it.  ANYWAY, other aspects of school include learning about the stuff within the lab at chemistry, and a lot of review of algebra.  Maddie is about as excited about algebra as I was "The Lord of the Flies."  One of Maddie's early assignments is in art, a collage she's making that is "all about her," without using any words though.  She's been working on that, and maybe we can show that here.  Along the way, she's been using one of her new sketch pads to do drawings of people, learning as she goes along about how to draw faces and so forth.  With each picture you can see improvements - she's doing a great job.

It's Tuesday.  Uncle George is gone, and we stayed home tonight to get some rest.  Maddie was getting a shower, and Mom getting a bath.  I was watching a few things tonight, one of them a really nice documentary about William Shatner actually flying up into space.  Nana and I were watching that, and then everyone joined us for the thrilling "Thirteen Lives" story.  We've seen the documentary recently, and this movie seems to capture the essence of it while keeping to the actual true story - it's all just an incredible miracle.

We read tonight, and we said our prayers.  Maddie's reading on her Bible app, going through the entire Bible with her small group.  She's deep into the Old Testament at this point, moving forward though at a steady pace.  We're super proud of her!

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