Friday, August 19, 2022

Another KP Live!

Maddie seemed okay today, and that’s good.  Shaken, but not stirred.  That’s us!  We had a big event tonight, and I was glad she helped me out with stress by wanting to come to KidPak instead of her regularly scheduled taekwondo.  We got there and had a lot of things to do, including a skit that she was in, one that had our duck onesies used again, this time worn by unsuspecting parents who volunteered for a madlib skit.  It was a fun night, and a messy one too – poor Josh and Camille were involved in this game that had all of this gross stuff dumped on top of them.  One major problem arose early in that we didn’t have a photographer for the evening.  So guess who got assigned that job?  That’s right, Maddie did!  She took pictures better than our usual photographers, documenting all the fun we had this evening, and I’m super proud of the job she did.  I’m thinking this might be a great thing for her to do with the church, actually, because these pictures were better than what we usually get – and she was just using her phone to take the pictures.  Let me share a bunch of them right here with you!

It was a good night, a successful one with lots of parents showing up and everyone having a good time.  Afterwards, we headed home and we were ready to go to bed tonight.  We’ve been watching “A Series of Unfortunate Events” lately, but tonight was a late night so we didn’t see too much.  We got to bed after reading and saying our prayers. 


I had a few doctor appointments today, including a heart doctor appointment that we scheduled some time ago.  My blood pressure is up, but there’s been a lot going on lately.  I have to check things from time to time and see about getting that down, because things are trending in the wrong direction.  I hit the treadmill again today, vowing to stay on it more consistently.  I discovered this one POV hiking channel that went through different places in the Southwest and I was happy to march along on the treadmill as I watched someone else do the same thing as they walked along these wonderful places that I can only dream of going back to someday.  My other appointment was the chiropractor, which was the most dramatic visit I think I’ve ever had.  I was super, super sore going in there, and afterwards I felt so much better.  They’re good people there – I was sharing some pictures with them of Maddie from years ago when she’d come to the chiropractor.  They loved it!


Anyway, it was a good day – a full one too.  We’re taking things one day at a time.

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