Saturday, January 4, 2020


We had a fairly full day, despite the fact we didn't go too far.  Daddy was in the church for a little bit, helping other churches with their January curriculum.  Madison was practicing piano and taking care of things on a small "to do" list.  Mommy had a much bigger "to do" list, of course.  We were unpacking and cleaning up a bit, but there's been no official declaration of the DeSantafication Process yet.  Instead, we were doing smaller steps, moving Christmas CDs downstairs, wrapping paper and other smaller items.  It is an immense procedure, the DeSantafication Process.  I expect us to still be immersed in it within a week or two more.  It's such a shame to have to take all this down.  Maybe we can keep it up longer, sort of part of a countdown - only 354 days until Christmas!

Daddy got a nice gift box from another church in Texas today.  With that one, and the one in Maine, there has been a tremendous response.  It's been so good that they sent from Texas a nice gift box with socks and ties inside, but some pretty cool looking ones.  In fact, Daddy is going to wear one tie tomorrow - it features a unicorn "dabbing" on it.

How great to be able to help other churches.  The best part of the entire gift box was the note that was enclosed, a letter expressing appreciation, and one signed by a lot of people from Texas.  It's pretty amazing to be a part of something that is helping churches in California, Texas, Maine, South Carolina, and even Canada.  Daddy's curriculum is in all those places now, which is just remarkable.

Anyway, we started the fast today - a 21-day fast.  The reason for today and not tomorrow is so we can celebrate the Chinese New Year, which will be in - you guessed it - twenty-one days.  So we were having fast-friendly food today, soup and salads.  It'll take some getting used to, but it's good for you. Also, it tastes great too, so the sacrifice isn't quite as severe as a complete and total fast at the moment.  Of course, the important thing is more time spent in prayer and reading God's Word.  We'll be reading from the devotional and other material too.

Tonight we tried the game Villainous, a game that Daddy got the main part for on his birthday, and then an extra expansion part for on Christmas.  Basically, the concept is that you're a villain trying to accomplish your specific goal, and of course that varies from villain to villain.  Tonight, Mommy was the Queen of Hearts, Madison was Captain Hook, and Daddy was Maleficent.  It seemed a little complicated at first, but we started to get into the swing of things as we went along, and in the end you can see how this game became a popular new one the last few years.  We started out with Mommy as Yzma, and that left a lot of question marks for us, so we went to one of the original characters for the original game, and after doing that, we all had a good time, and Mommy wound up winning.  We think we did everything right, but there were a few questions at certain points, and we just sort of assumed this, that, or the other.  We'll check on those questions a little later - the point is, we had a pretty good time.  Daddy was super close to winning, as was Madison, but Mommy pulled out the victory, mainly because all the attacking moves were on Madison and Daddy, and that left Mommy in a pretty good position.  Next time, no mercy Mom!

Anyway, this was fun.  Also fun was the time we spent making our Baby Yoda ornaments.  Recently, the producer of "The Mandalorian" television series released a paper craft Baby Yoda that you can make.  So we sat down at the kitchen table, and spent some serious time cutting out the necessary parts, and then painstakingly gluing it all together.  In the end, we wound up with two Baby Yoda ornaments - we'll give one to Camille tomorrow, but one of them will go on our Christmas tree for certain.

Madison was back on the piano today, practicing for a while and it'll take a good bit to get back into the swing of things with all of this.  But nevertheless, that first step is the biggest, and here she is, going at it again.  She was playing a few recommended tunes and some older ones as well.  Soon enough though, we'll hear her pick a particular song and have that one selected for her piano recital.  That'll be nice when that happens - it's been a while since we've seen her at a piano recital, and I kind of miss that, actually.  Until then, it's just magical to hear her play - even at the amateur level she's at now - in that room.  It's a nice room, still with the Christmas tree in it and the fireplace there.  It's a sweet sound, even if not every note is struck in perfect time.  For some reason, it never drives me crazy.  It's the sound of a piano being learned, and time being used in a great way, and the sound of a daughter increasing her skill with a musical instrument.  What's not to love?

We made some popcorn for tonight, and watched one of our new Christmas movies, "Shazam."  It turns out it was a Christmas movie, as a good bit of it takes place during the Christmas season.  As for the movie itself, it was pretty good, although still not quite as great as some of the Marvel movies.  There is potential in it, but then there are other things that didn't need to be in there.  Still, it was great to get under those huge blankets on the couch together.  It felt like the blankets on the bottom of a teepee there, this mass of animal skins all piled up, and underneath all that there might are these souls snuggling together for warmth.  That's our couch in the winter.

Afterwards, we were reading "Prince Caspian" again - we've been off that a bit, due to some late nights and traveling.  But we're back on schedule again, and tonight we were reading about Lucy and how she in fact saw Aslan, and how no one believed her except Edmund.  Ah, at least Edmund had a good turn here.  And in fact, the others see the error of their ways as well.  We'll have to see what happens next tomorrow, but all agree that it's been a wonderful time in Narnia.

We said our prayers tonight, prayers for our nation, prayers for our grandparents, and prayers for a good night's rest.  It was a quiet day, but a nice one with pleasant surprises.  Eventually the Christmas stuff must come down, but we're all just fine with it hanging around one more night, including that new ornament we just made today...

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