Sunday, January 19, 2020

Soul Train

We had a great service this morning, but certainly a bittersweet one.  Camille was speaking, as you can see above, and this is pretty much her last Sunday in Gainesville's KidPak for a while.  The reason for this is that she's been hired as children's pastor at our Cumming campus, and we're all on board with that.  It's a terrible thing having to say goodbye to such a valuable and passionate volunteer, but it's also a truly wonderful thing to see someone fall into their destiny.

We were uncertain in some ways about the decision, but the day we were talking about it, the day before she even knew about the idea of her being a children's pastor, Daddy had asked her some thoughts about a message related to Queen Elsa in "Frozen 2."  Here are a few of her thoughts as they relate to the movie, what she wrote back.  Imagine it not about Elsa, but about herself - and she has no idea what's about to happen next...


The thing that stuck out to me the most in frozen2 is this: Elsa could have been content in where she was. She could have stayed queen in her castle, safe, and with the ones she loved. But she kept hearing a voice calling her deeper. Which was scary, but she also knew it was real, and she NEEDED it. She needed to know the reason she was alive. And she chose to follow that voice. My favorite song I have to say is “Show yourself”

I think at a point in our lives we want to know why we’re here. Why we were born. Maybe even why God made us different. And sometimes we try to get our purpose from other people, things, jobs. But one day we realize “YOU are the answer I’ve waited for all of my life.” And then we hit that breaking point of, “Okay, God. I’m following Your Voice. It’s scary! It’s literally throwing me into the unknown, but I know that’s where my destiny lies: in Your voice!”

And then, there’s a fateful wonderful time when God reveals. And it brings peace. He shows us why He even brought us to this world. That we have a purpose and He has a plan; He’s always had a plan, since the very beginning of time. 

I don’t know. I just love that so much. That she chose to follow that thing that was scary, but in the end it revealed something to her she would have never known had she stayed in her comfort zone and ignoring the call. 

My points for that would be something like:

•Accept the call
•Don’t be afraid 
•God is the answer 

Or something like that. I don’t know, id have to think on it more. But that was my favorite part and, no lie, I tear up almost EVERY time I hear that song.


This was fantastic, and pretty much sums up her stepping forward in faith into this new position.  It's a message for her, just as much as anyone else.  We're super proud of her.  Her desk will be right beside Daddy's office, so she won't be too far off, but Madison will miss her - at least on Sundays.   She's really grown attached to Camille, who has been with us for so long at KidPak.  She's such a big part of it all, and we're glad to see her step into a bigger world, "into the unknown."

Anyway, after church, Daddy went to an event at the library, a creative workshop that helps people who want to write.  Initially I was doubtful, but it turned out to be a pretty useful trip.  I took lots of notes.

Meanwhile, Mommy and Madison were at home, with Madison doing some piano practice.  We had another fast-friendly meal, one this time with root vegetable fries, which is just a fun thing to say.  Colorful French fries were on our plates.  The carrot and potato ones were good, but only Mommy liked the beets.  Daddy does not like beets.  Sorry.

Tonight we could stay up a little later, so we watched ourselves a whole heck of a lot of episodes of "Star Wars Resistance."  What started out as a slow and goofy sort of show got a little more engaging and involved as it went along, so much so that we were looking at it, unable to see what happens the next episode.  We were close to the end, so we just went for it, watching all the episodes, until the end of season one.  Now we're all anxious to see season two when it comes out.

We did some Super Smash Brothers, freeing up some new characters like Zelda and Bowser and more, and after that got to bed a little early, considering that we have the day off tomorrow.  The reason?  We're getting up early to go visit the Atlanta History Center tomorrow.  It's free, and hopefully it'll be fun!

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