Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mystery Date

Ah, here we are this morning at KidPak with another service, and as you can see by the group shot above, something must be going on in between services.  Here's what it is:  Jovanna's departure.  She's the girl in the middle there towards the front.

We had a couple of fun skits this morning, and after the second one, we acknowledged her to everyone, and the kids all gave her a huge cheer, letting her know how much she's been appreciated all these years at KidPak.  Furthermore, in between services we had a group prayer, and we had some chips and guacamole (and salsa too).  No cupcakes today, as the official church fast starts today!

Yes, the church fast is here, and it's that season where we all give up meats or sweets or both.  Daddy is giving up both, and maybe more later on, but Madison is fasting sweets.  It's a church fast, so we can talk about it - we're all in this period of time here where we're celebrating together our desire to get closer to God.  It's a great time at the church, a very special time actually.

And it was special this morning on stage at KidPak.  Jovanna really appreciated the send-off, though we know she'll be back in a few months.

Here are a few other group shots, the first one being "jazz hands," and this one being "everyone gesture to Jovanna or something."  This last one here is just a nice group shot of a few of the actors and volunteers.

It was a good day today.  After church, we went home and did some unpacking and cleaning up.  We had a delicious soup, because that's what Mommy does really well this time of year.  And we tried a new board game, one that Madison loved:  Mystery Date!

Madison loved this game so much, we actually played it five times in a row!  Yes, true story.  I think part of it was that she was tired of being pursued by that guy who wants to go bowling.  He showed up at the door a lot.  But she got the skiing guy, and I think beach guy once.  Daddy was playing too, and his girl won a few times too.  This was a faster-paced game, and a simpler one too.  I think I got the "dud" one time, which is pretty sad if you think about it.  I mean, that dud is out there right now, super lonely and sad.

Anyway, we had a great time with Mystery Date.  Madison did some piano after this, and following that we were playing "Super Smash Brothers" for a bit while Mommy was doing some work online.  It was a quiet evening, one where we were putting up a few Christmas things and straightening up and unpacking.  But the most of the day was church, as it always is, and that went well.

Tonight we read from Narnia again, and we read from our devotional too.  There is still the game of hide-and-seek, the zerberts, and the "Goodnight Grand Admiral Stink!"  Then we prayed for our grandparents, for our country, and for a good night's rest.  Goodnight!

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