Saturday, January 11, 2020

Blown Away

We had a big storm today, losing the canopy frame again from the wind, and there was a power surge, plus trees down blocking off Jot-Em-Down Road.  It was the story of the day, a vicious line of storms that were so clear on the radar.  It was this brilliant and vivid line that marched across the Southeast, and unfortunately, there were a few casualties west of us in Alabama and Mississippi.  When it got here, it was later, and it was tremendous.  We lost the canopy in the back.  The power flickered, and we were ready to go downstairs to our safe area - but that never happened.  There were no tornado warnings here, but there were some elsewhere in Georgia.

We were indoors all day, getting ornaments packed away, while watching a few movies:  "Lady and the Tramp," plus "The Little Mermaid:  Live."  It was that sort of day, taking down Christmas ornaments in earnest now, a major part of the DeSantafication Process.  It's a little bit of a bummer, but at the same time, we were watching movies as we worked, and that made things nice.

Daddy was writing today, but none of us every got out of our pajamas!  We were indoors all day today, and after the month or so we've had, that was okay.  We got a lot of things done here.  Madison did some piano, and Mommy was cooking some amazing things that were fast-friendly.

Tonight we started the book, "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon," a brief step away from Narnia.  It's the season of the Chinese New Year, so we were wanting to read this one book at this time.  In fact, we've been wanting to read it for a while now.  We read from the devotional and said our prayers, thankful for the safety and protection of the day.

We lost that canopy again.  There was no material on the top of it - the wind just blew over the frame and bent it in such a way that we lost it again.  This is making us rethink our strategy for the back deck, as we've lost two of these now.  But again, at least everyone is okay.  In all things, it could be worse, and we go to sleep thankful that all is well.

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