Monday, January 13, 2020

Cauliflower Pizza

And now a few words about cauliflower pizza: it's not bad!  On our way home from piano class tonight, we picked up a few pizzas.  And as you may know, we're doing a fast right now, and that sort of led us in the direction of trying something again:  cauliflower pizza.

First, you have to follow the directions.  We learned that you really do have to bake this pizza directly on the rack, and not on any pan.  We have our reasons behind this thinking, but the last time we tried cauliflower pizza, it had a really big cauliflower taste to it.  And I know what you're thinking:  that's because it's cauliflower pizza?  But that's not the reason you buy cauliflower pizza.  You buy cauliflower pizza because it's supposed to not taste too much like cauliflower.  Anyway, Madison tried some and we all agreed that it was pretty good.  Madison had a more normal pizza, but Mommy and Daddy had the cauliflower pizza.  I don't think I've ever typed the words "cauliflower pizza" so much in my life.  So one more time, just for fun:  thumbs up for cauliflower pizza!

Okay, moving on:  Madison did have piano class tonight, and the end result is learning a new song here.  She's doing okay here, but we have to find a way to keep the practice end of things going, as she's been so busy lately that there's not as much time for practice.  You may see one of those rewards charts show up here soon enough.

It rained a lot today.  Torrential rain.  We drove through it this morning, dropping Madison off at school, and then driving down on 400 to Alpharetta where our dentist is.  That went well for Daddy, although Mommy has a bit of maintenance to be done in a few weeks.  We were taking the ornaments  down for a good part of the day, a depressing thing to do of course.  But we had some Chinese music playing, and we had a nice lunch here - Mommy shines brilliantly during fasting season.

Madison got home and was studying for math right away - she's gotten the hang of this "solving for area" thing.  These are complicated shapes.  Solving for area is a complicated profession!  We had time for reading tonight, more from "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" and our devotional.

Ba-Ba is improving in health - he gained three pounds, which is a big deal.  Every day he's getting better, and that brings us great comfort.  It was good Uncle George was down there for Ba-Ba's birthday too.  We've been able to visit more frequently down there lately, and that is good of course.  I'm not sure when we'll be back, but hopefully we can do that soon.

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