Thursday, January 2, 2020

Dolphins Saying "Hi"

Look who was back this morning to say, "Hi!"  It was our dolphin friends, and by the looks of things it was all of them.  They were a bit further out there, but with so many of them swimming about it was easy to spot them.  We were out on the balcony reading, and just looking out over the calm ocean today.  This was the calmest we've seen the water in

Madison and Daddy spent a bit of time playing the Game of LIFE today, that new version that Madison got for Christmas.  This version has you with pets, and so many kids that you have to lug an extra car around just to have enough room.  Seriously, both times we played, we had enough small blue and pink pegs to need two cars each.  Although it's not with pirates or jedi, it's still fun.

The skies were sunny today and the weather very pleasant, so we decided to take another toll along the beach with Nana.

This was sweet, walking along the shoreline.  It was quiet there today, and the seagulls must have thought the same thing, because today there were hundreds and hundreds of them in front of the condo, and up northward.

"Mine!  Mine!"  To quote a Finding Nemo pelican Nigel, they're just "Rats with wings!"  Madison used to run headlong into this mass of birds, watching them scatter.  But this weekend she was going to give the seagulls a rest.

It's always a nice little walk.  We went south, and we were looking for shells, getting our feet wet and looking out at the boats way off shore.  The sun was setting, casting long shadows of the condos over the shoreline, but even in the shadows, the temperature was pleasant.

Madison was quite ready for a walk along the beach.  This has been a good way to start off the year, and it's been relaxing, and the scenery has been great.

One of these birds jumped, and then the next did, and the next did too... and the next thing you know a flock of seagulls were up in arms, all up and down the shore.

Anyway, it was a pleasant walk.  We had a delicious dinner when we returned, with shrimp and fish for us grown-ups, but leftover tacos for Madison.  She's always up for tacos.

Of course, there was Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, and after that, a different game:  dominoes.  We set up the dominoes on the table and had several rounds of that as well, with Madison winning the very first one.  After that, Mommy and Ba-Ba were winning as well, and soon after that, we all were winning with ice cream for everyone.

It was a nice day today, a relaxing day off on the beach.  We're very blessed to be here, all of us.

Even the seagulls.

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