Tuesday, January 14, 2020


So we've been watching "Star Wars Resistance" lately because they're about all we have time to watch with so much homework and other activities after school.  Madison's a big Star Wars fan, and we are too, so we've been watching this on Disney Plus fairly often.  The animation is very unique, although we prefer "Rebels" and "Clone Wars" better at the moment.  One thing that's interesting about the show is the introduction of Captain Phasma, who didn't have as much to do in the two movies we've seen her in.  She hasn't done that much here either, but the uniform is pretty cool.  She may have a bigger role coming up, which I hope will solidify the fact that she is kind of a threat, versus someone who walks around and looks cool in a silver Stormtrooper outfit.

Which Madison can do fairly well also.  I think it would be amazing if she wore this to taekwondo, but that's just me.  Imagine her kicking everyone around in a silver Stormtrooper costume.

Anyway, Madison had her quiz today on area, and she said she thinks she did well on it.  She certainly studied a lot, and was quite challenged by it last week, a bit stressed almost.  But with enough practice, she got more comfortable, and it doesn't weigh down on her as much.  I'm not going to say it's easy as pi.  But yeah, she's got the hang of it...

In photography, Madison took this picture and several others with the goal of taking pictures of certain objects from different angles.  She mentioned this one because at one time she almost got hit by a ball!  I think it was an inflatable ball, but still, it surprised her!

She had club pictures taken today as well, these of course for the yearbook.  And in her other classes she's been learning about pollution in Southeast Asia again, which of course is the first thing you think of when you think of any country.  If you followed this blog for any time, you'll note that these kids when learning about a foreign country, first learn about their pollution.  I have no idea why this is.  It's important, yes.  But why talk about pollution of every single country first?

Anyway, it was a great day at school, and then there was taekwondo tonight.  Sadly, she did not wear her Captain Phasma costume.  But she did do well, or at least Daddy thought she did well.  Madison was a little down on herself for not getting her form right, and not being precise enough.  All the kids were a little rusty though - it's okay.  I tried to tell her as much, and in fact, she'll be much better in a few days.

We read from our book again and our devotional tonight, and you read what we watched on the big screen.  I imagine we'll tear through season one rather quickly here.  We said our prayers, and went to bed at a reasonable time tonight.  I think everyone was tired.  Daddy was working on devotional entries and a plan for tomorrow night's small group lessons, which are on Martin Luther King's birthday.  Mommy and Daddy were in bed early, watching a few things, surfing the web a bit, and eventually falling asleep much earlier than normal.  Time for a good night's rest!

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