Monday, January 6, 2020

Gift Card Fun

Today was "on the house," that day we got to go out and use our gift cards from Christmas.  The whole day was free, and then some, as we used our card to first get some tickets and a new popcorn bucket for the theater.  our movie of choice was "Jumanji 2," which was pretty good.

The whole concept of having two older people in the game was a nice twist, although we first saw that in "Spy Kids 3-D" some time ago.  But watching various people act like Danny DeVito was funny, especially this new Asian actress.

I'll have to include that in the next "Acting Up" class:  "Okay everyone, now's the part of class where we spend the next fifteen minutes acting like Danny DeVito.  Go!"

The theater was close to empty, as it is a Monday and we're about to start school tomorrow, and this movie came out about a month ago.  We just were so busy at the time, and we never got to see the movie because we were with play practice and so forth for "Holly."  So we finally saw the movie today, and the three of us enjoyed it.  The language was a bit much, but there were some really funny moments in the movie, and a great tie-in the original Jumanji movie from the nineties.  That tie-in came off towards the end of the movie, a nice moment for those of us who were fans of the original.

Anyway, it was a good flick.  We'll keep watching them to see what happens next, as they're pretty fun.  We sat in the back of the theater as always, and had a nice time at the movies.

Afterwards, we made time for a all-veggie meal at Cracker Barrel, which was nice for a few reasons, one of them being that once again, we got to sit next to that huge fireplace there.  They kept replacing the wood, and the heat coming from that thing felt nice on this cold day.  We enjoy eating there, and had a couple gift cards to apply to this outing too.  It was great, especially afterwards when Daddy and Madison sat at the checkers table to play a few games in front of that fireplace, this while Mommy was in their shopping area.

We did have to get home though, all so we can get out again.  We got home to get ready for piano class, which Madison returned to tonight.  We dropped Mommy off at the grocery store, and then were off to piano, where Madison learned she had to do a new song.  This is not a big deal, but soon enough I think she'll need to pick another song to do for a recital upcoming.  We'll see what that is as we get closer, but this was a nice class to get back into the swing of things.

We joined Mommy at the grocery store, and there we spent a lot - probably making up for the earlier freebies there.  We just haven't been to the grocery store in a while, and on top of that, we're doing this fast, so the end result was a very full shopping cart.

We got home, and watched an episode of Star Wars Resistance, something we're watching on Disney Plus now.  We caught a few of those episodes, and then read a bit from "Prince Caspian" before heading to bed.  We had to go to bed early tonight - school starts up again tomorrow!  With prayers and zerberts, Madison was soon off to sleep, as were Mommy and Daddy.  It was a very nice day out.

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