Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Madison had her taekwondo tonight, and in two nights she'll go for her testing again - although this time she'll be testing in front of the whole room with everyone watching.  The reason for this is an early test - she's going to be gone next week during the group testing, so she'll get a jump on that and test early.  Hopefully, she'll earn her blue belt decided in two days.

It was a busy day with packing and planning.  Mommy was watering the plants outside, a vast empire of greenery scattered all over the grounds.  I can say the "grounds" now because Nana and Ye-Ye have converted our meager property into an expansive area much larger than it was a year ago.  Or even six months ago.  Through lots of clearing of vegetation, we can now walk all the way back - without effort - to a small canyon that sits on the line of our property, where the water rushes by during larger storms.  There is plenty of space to walk around, and just enjoy being outside.  It's wonderful.  We'll share pictures soon enough, but it would have been nice to have some "before" pictures too, just to show all that's been done.  It's been a lot.

We were working today on other things at KidPak, so that we could get away soon.  Daddy made a large sized target and for a "pin the tail on the donkey" sort of game, one where teammates can help shout out "left" or "right" to the blindfolded player.  But a time limit should also serve to add an extra element of unpredictability.

The game is named for a Toy Story character, "Bullseye," and I'm pretty happy he has a moment to shine.  This is just one sheet of six that stick together to form the large target.  You can see outside the target area is where Benson lurks.

Madison had her Live to Give club today after school, which made for some interesting taxi service by Daddy afterwards, but we made the trip.  Basically, she has to race home quickly after that, and then race over to taekwondo immediately following.  But Live to Give is certainly a worthwhile thing to attend, and it's something Madison has enjoyed for years now.  This afternoon, they were brainstorming some things that they can do a food drive for as November draws closer.  One item was... stuffing.  This will make for a pretty interesting food drive.  Last year it was cram the cranberry sauce into the grocery cart.  This year, it's stuff the stuffing in there!

Tonight at bedtime, we read about Luke Skywalker's visit to the planet Honoghr, home of some super nice aliens with gray skin and large creepy eyes.  Madison's very much into Star Wars, but we're all enjoying this third book in the series here.  We'll get a lot of it read next week, no doubt.

We said our prayers again, and and soon after were heading to bed.  Madison may have a presentation on the economy of Lebanon tomorrow, along with some other details.  She was studying for that tonight, preparing for it the best she could.  We watched "Scared Shrekless" again and noticed the voice of Mabel from "Gravity Falls" doing Gingy's girlfriend's voice.  It was just a short October-themed special we watched, although we're still not even in October yet.  That time will come soon though.  October is not that far away...

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