Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Symbiotes and a Math Bath

Today we remembered 9/11, now a remarkable eighteen years ago.  We're talking with these college kids who were only three or four years old at the time, and they have no recollection of it whatsoever.  There were ceremonies and remembrances, and of course a zillion posts on social media.  The school flag was at half-mast, and there were appropriate moments of remembrance, along with some of the songs that reflected on that moment, "Where were you on that September Morning?"

A lot has been going on this week, and we've been somewhat busy.  Madison has been busy at school of course, with a few summative tests coming up soon.  She's been writing skits in her health class with classmates, and she's been studying religions of the Middle East.  In science, she's been learning more about symbiotic relationships - such as mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.  As we know, commensalism is where a species somehow benefits from another without harming or helping the other - like the remora that attaches itself to a shark for a free ride.  Mutualism is like the sea anemone and the clown fish, two species that benefit each other.  And of course, there's the parasitism, which make up a good bit of our population.  So here's a question:  which one of these three is the Symbiote that has merged with Eddie Brock?  In other words, which one of those three is Venom?

It's a good question, actually.  Because Eddie Brock is benefiting in some ways, but not in others.  We'll call it mutualism, because Eddie Brock is not exactly a role model, and this symbiotic goo doesn't bring out the best in people.

Thinking about this further - not the Venom part, but the three types of symbiotic relationships:   let's just say that commensalism ... I don't believe it.  For example, the remora is technically adding weight to the shark's workload and therefore using up the shark's energy, which is ultimately not helping the shark.  Sure, the extra energy expended is minor, but that expense is still there.  Other examples are similar.  Technically, there's either an even trade-off, or there's a parasitic relationship.

Okay, enough with the biology.  The point is that Madison has been studying some more advanced material here, and it's all we can do at times to keep up.  I know what a parasite is, but I have never heard the word commensalism before, and now I'm learning again a bit.  We have to keep reading to keep up!

Tonight we had church, and we had some games of memory, and that toy shark game of imitation that Daddy came up with earlier.    We've been writing a lot lately, including possibly a Christmas play upcoming.  There are lots of things going on, and lots of changes.  But we're hanging in there, and we keep moving forward, which is sometimes the only thing you can do.

Madison was home tonight, getting a bath, and studying math.  Math and Bath!  Put them together and you have a Math Bath!  It's been super hot this week, and I'm sure it was easy to dive into some  water.  Tonight, Daddy got back in time to read, and we prayed as well.  And soon after, he and Mommy were in bed too, ready to get a good night's rest.

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