Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday, Wednesday

Another KidPak service, and another part of our ongoing story on stage.  You can see here how Mr. Potato Head has been on stage lately, and of course you can see below some of our other actresses as well:

Madison has had a simple role with her friends.  Their only lines so far have been:  "Baaaaaa."  Yeah, that makes memorizing a bit easy for her.  But things are bound to change soon enough.  Daddy is going back and forth about writing a new Christmas play, and perhaps she can have a part in that.  We'll see how that goes.

For today though, things went well in service, with a great message about "getting out of the box," and being used by God.  Versus sitting around and not doing anything.

We got home at a reasonable time, and Madison was already studying for her ELA test, and also working on her piano some, playing that as well.  It was another hot day outside, and the brilliant sun reminded us of why it was such a great idea to go apple picking yesterday instead of this afternoon.  We dove for cover indoors, and got a few things done around the house that have been waiting.  There are lots of areas to clean up and piles of things to donate and so forth.  We're doing a bit of excavation, so to speak.  But it's a wonderful chance to do some donations, with books and other items.

Tonight Madison requested "The Addams Family," which again is such a fun movie.  The first movie is one of Daddy's favorites, and it's great to see Madison catching on to the humor of it all.

Madison loves Wednesday.  She loves the scene with Wednesday walking by with the meat cleaver looking for her brother, only to be reprimanded by her mother, who replaces that with a machete instead.  Of course, there's nothing that comes from any of this.  Our idea of an October-themed movie is quite a bit different than many others, as Mommy and Daddy are not fond of the gory movies with maniacal killers running around wearing masks or whatever.  That being said, we're more excited about the new animated "Addams Family" movie coming out soon, or the one about the yeti that should be out in theaters next week or so.  It's been a while since we've seen a movie in the theater, actually.

Anyway, we got to sleep earlier tonight, reading from our book about Mara Jade's recovery, and then reading from our devotional as well.  We prayed for the grandparents, and we prayed for a friend who lives north of here, one we don't know as well, but a young girl who went to Madison's same orphanage, one who is dealing with epilepsy.  If you're reading this now, perhaps you can stop and say a prayer for her as well.

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