Saturday, June 15, 2019

We Have a Teenager

This afternoon we had a birthday party, if you can believe that.  I say "If you can believe that," because Madison is now officially a teenager as of today, and we're like, "What?"  How could this happen so fast?  Well, like it or not, it's here!

Look who all showed up to celebrate too!  Madison wanted a simpler birthday party, one where her friends came over and everyone went swimming afterwards, and that's what she got.  For one thing, we were completely zonked from Summer Xtreme, and really didn't have the time this week, or the energy to do anything super creative.  But Mommy made the cupcakes and got the decorations, and the flower leis, and everything was just fine.  We had friends from church, and friends from school over too, and it was just what Madison was hoping for.  There were even plenty of birthday gifts!

Madison got some fun cards, and some nice gifts as well, but I think the greatest gift of all is simply this:  an afternoon with her friends, just hanging out together.

Afterwards, as promised, they went to the pool.  Mommy, Daddy and one of the parents from church were with us, seated at a table with an umbrella, while the girls went to the pool to have fun.  

It was a really nice time.  And it went by so fast, actually!  Everyone seemed to be having a great time though, and there was even somewhat of a food fight afterwards on the back porch.  A few of the girls were putting cupcakes in each other's faces, getting big laughs - and big messes!

It was a nice party.  Mommy and Daddy got Madison a book from Gravity Falls, and there were other gifts as well, but the biggest thing for all of us was this:  a nice day together.  Madison got just that.

Tonight, when they were gone, finally after seven days, we got to sit back and rest.  We did some reading, and praying, but as you might suspect, sleep came rather easy for all of us...!

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