Wednesday, June 26, 2019

In the Warehouse

So as mentioned earlier, there's this warehouse full of stuff that needs to go, and needs to be donated somewhere, and here we are.  I mean, we have this Jurassic Park series coming up, and lo, there's all this free - and amazingly high quality - stuff available for us, if we'd just drop by and pick it up.  It's a stunning sort of blessing, and something that will be pretty awesome for the kids.  More on that in a bit.

In the meantime, it was a KidPak night, and you can see Tucker speaking to the kids tonight.  Madison has been coming to KidPak each night, as there's no reason to get up super early in the morning.  It was a good, solid night, another part of the "Tribes" series.

We're working on Forward now, the big event that starts tomorrow.  It's a huge deal, with 11,000 teenagers filling up the Gwinnett Arena.  There are a lot of working parts to this, a lot of working parts.  Many, many, many volunteers fuel this along, and there are so many people coming in from literally all over the world.  This past Sunday, Mommy and Daddy met a group of folks from a church in Singapore that came all this way to attend Forward.  So we're working in that direction, quite a bit.

Madison did some piano today, and there was Gravity Falls as well.  We also started a book, "Heir to the Empire," one that Daddy thought might be fun to read.  It might be bigger than anticipated, but I'm plugging along:  there are a lot of familiar characters in this book for the girls, and the truth is, I remember this as a great book.  It introduces some epic characters to this universe, while using really well the existing one - it might be a fun read!  A longer one, but hopefully a good one!

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