Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Rank Camp Day Three

Rank Camp continued today, and look what Mommy put up this week as well:

We'll have a purple belt to add to this by week's end, as I think they actually get another purple belt after this rank camp.  Anyway, this looks pretty cool - Mommy hung it up by the bed in Madison's room, a nice little reminder of all her experience with taekwondo.

Today was her third day of Rank Camp, so we got over to the studio early this morning, and she was off and running.  This week has been all about breaking boards for power, and learning to break out of specific holds.  She's been about to break 14 out of 15 boards, and is pretty proud of her power.  It's a great day with all the exercises and choreography.  The games afterwards are fun too.  They like to play all kinds of games - none related to martial arts.  But there's an official ending time, and then a time to pick the kids up.  Usually that in between time is about an hour, and during that time, the kids like to play games while they wait.  Daddy arrives early, but lets Madison play for a while with the others.  It's a great wind-down time.

We read when we got home, and then it was time for Daddy to go off to Wednesday night service.  He had this thing set up tonight that went rather well, a "Miracles" trivia game that pitted boys versus girls.  In the end, I think the girls won it, but it was rather close.

It was a good day though.  Can you believe we only have two more days of Rank Camp already?  Yeah, true story.  Daddy got home and we were all in bed earlier tonight:  we have to get up early for Day Four, and soon after that, we've got Summer Xtreme coming.  We were doing a lot of preparations for that today, including printed hand-outs and imagery on the screen.  Lots of stuff going on.

One more thing before we close up here for the day:  our Planet of the Apes Statue of Liberty!

The Chia Pet leaves on the Statue of Liberty aren't lasting quite as long as the ones on Shrek this year, and are looking a little droopy.  The end result is a pretty surfer dude hairstyle.  It's like the Statue of Liberty is telling us, "Dude!"  

Anyway, it was funny to see that this morning greeting us.  Time to pack up this one, but Shrek is still looking pretty good today.  Chia pets are fun!

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