Sunday, June 16, 2019

Relaxing Father's Day

We were back at the church today, having a great time with the ol' "KidPak Singers" skit, something Daddy saw waaaaay back when at a camp when he was in high school, or maybe even middle school.  Anyway, it went over really well, and was pretty funny.  It's somewhat difficult to describe, with different people having different jobs and associated chants that sort of all work together at the same time in a pretty goofy way.  We had a big line of people up there, and it was just a lot of fun, and it sort of went with our bottom line a bit - all the parts working together.

It was a funny atmosphere this morning, with the church not quite as full as it was all week long, almost like it was a library event or something.  We had to work a bit harder to get that energy up with the kids, which could be related to the fact that many of them are completely wiped out from a long week of activity.  Adults were exhausted too, including this one who is typing:  I took a pretty long nap this afternoon!

But before that big nap, there was a really nice meal cooked up by Mommy to celebrate Father's Day. We got to relax a little together, and even after the nap, we were on the couch, relaxing, and watching "Toy Story" once more.  Part four is coming out Friday, and we'll be getting caught up the next few nights.  Also, Daddy is taking a lot of notes - we're going to do a "Toy Story" series at KidPak, so I was watching the movie with a little notebook.  It's still a classic.  And it's amazing when you think of the technological achievement that the movie is.

Afterwards, Madison was playing one of her new gifts, "Stardew Valley."  This could be her new addiction, but I'm not sure yet.  The game seems to be a homage to "Harvest Moon," and if that's the case, then we may need some occasional intervention here and there.  Daddy was so addicted to "Harvest Moon 64," the closest thing you could compare it to was a fever that you just had to "ride out."  Fortunately with that game, an uncle comes and there's sort of an end.  But until you get to that point, I remember being up late, making sure crops were watered, cows were taken care of, and so on.  A few years later, a game called "Farmville" came out on social media, and Daddy was basically inoculated, having already been through "Harvest Moon."  There's something super addictive about farming games - it's very interesting!

Anyway, it was a relaxing day today, a day to rest and get our energy built up again.  We have another Summer Xtreme coming this week, and there's so much to do again.  But for now, we're resting, and celebrating Father's Day as well.

Good night!

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