Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday after SX19

We had KidPak this morning, which went well despite the fact that everyone was totally zonked, wiped out, and very much out of gas.  Or, at least Daddy was.  It was so great to have friends and volunteers here to help lift the ministry - the end result was a stellar morning, with our message about Reuben, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  Amongst all these Summer Xtreme stories and messages, on Sundays (and Wednesday nights), we're visiting the Twelve Tribes of Israel again, and these messages are pretty solid.

This morning you can see we had our volunteers up on stage for a Ninja Race, an animated race on stage where kids choose between a red ninja, a white ninja and a black ninja.  The other big thing in the morning was our "Tribes" cartoon, where all the characters got together to battle a giant robot gorilla.  Which, of course, is somewhat how Summer Xtreme's videos ended, which again is pretty awesome because it all goes full circle back to when Madison's grade level was in kindergarten, and just starting with all this.

As mentioned earlier, we were pretty tired.  One staff member was already asleep on the couch after service, just a quick nap.  Daddy waited until we got home, and then took a pretty good nap there.  Madison was talking with friends online, and all of us were basically just lounging around the house. There are so many things to be done, but we weren't really that motivated.  This weekend, we're still physically recovering from two weeks of fourteen hour days, and in Daddy's case, there's this even coming up, Forward, and we've got to deal with that too.  Somewhere in all of this, a new series at KidPak is coming, and that's one related to "Toy Story."  So tonight we watched "Toy Story 3" again, taking notes and looking for messages within.  The first three movies have a whole lot of messages within, actually.  The material isn't the challenge - it's the amount of time left to write it.  There always seems to be something pressing to do, and it's easy to get overwhelmed.  One little thing at a time - that's the way we should tackle this all.  One small step at a time get you up the mountain.

We didn't have any dramatic storms tonight, so that was good.  Daddy took down the canopy last night, and it was like one of those scenes where the sailors are climbing the rigging during a massive storm at sea, with powerful winds violently throwing tree limbs back and forth, and the sky lighting up over and over again, letting us know that this storm was going to be a rough one.  We've had two nights in a row with that, and two days afterwards of debris all over the roads.  Fortunately, no power outages or trees down on houses.  But at the moment, it does seem scary.

We're almost done with "Science Fair," speaking of power outages.  The book has been a great one, with lots of humor and adventure.  The girls are enjoying it quite a bit - so is Daddy, who is glad to see they're liking this one.  The title and even cover don't have the immediate attraction of the "Neverland" books, and for years I've been telling them this one is pretty good - now they're hearing for themselves.

We read that tonight, and prayed tonight, and there were zerberts and hide-and-seek.  Mommy has all of these aromatherapy things set up now, and it's somewhat of a ritual before bed with all of these oils, but we did indeed sleep well through the night.  No storms helped in that.  But also helping was the fact that there was no huge Summer Xtreme camp to plan for, at least not for this week.  We're done with a pretty big chapter, and tomorrow we'll start writing a new one.

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