Saturday, June 22, 2019


This morning Buzz Lightyear did the old "circle game" trick on us.  This goes back a ways, where you try to get someone to look down at your hand through many devious means, and if that person sees you making the circle gesture, you get to thump them on the shoulder once.  Now, if the person is somehow able to poke the circle before you get it away from them, the roles are reversed:  it is your shoulder that gets pounded.  The rules aren't too clear about toys doing this to humans, so we'll have to wait until tonight when our eyes are closed and we're asleep, and THUMP!  We get pounded on the shoulder.

Last night, our eyes were closed and we were asleep.  But then the most incredible lightning storm in quite some time occurred.  Daddy literally thought there was an emergency vehicle parked somewhere outside, with strobing lights that kept blinking on and off into the room.  But it was the lightning.  And then came the storm - it was so rough it blew the canopy outside across the deck, bending the framework slightly.  The wind was immense and scary... and then it was gone.  All of this between 1 and 2 in the morning... yeah, not the greatest timing there.  But everyone else was asleep through it, believe it or not.  Madison was asleep.  Josh was in the guest room, fast asleep.  Even Mommy had no idea Daddy was downstairs, tracking the storm as it swept by.

This morning we woke up later, and this is primarily due to the crazy week we've had.  Mommy made all of us pancakes, including Josh, who was enjoying a nice breakfast with all of us.  But soon we were off to work for a bit, setting up for tomorrow.  Mommy was at some friend's house, having a nice time there.  But Daddy and Madison were of with Josh to the traditional post Summer Xtreme Ice Cream Gathering.

We'll have to come up with a better name for it.  Tradition is that those who are still alive from the exhaustive week join us at a certain time at the Mexican Ice Cream place, which is a lot easier to say for us than the Spanish name, which we can never remember.  But we always remember this:  it is the best ice cream in Hall County.  It has wondrous variety, and it's always a great time together.  That was the case this time around as well - it was a nice gathering.  We sat and talked of Summer Xtreme,  how well things went, and adventurous stories here and there.  It was a good time.

We went to spend some time with Mommy after that, over at the other house.  Madison was playing with some friends there, and Daddy was getting his hand scanned.  Apparently, a hand scan can diagnose a whole lot of symptoms.  I'm wearing my skepticals, but we'll see how things progress.  It's something Mommy is looking into called Essential Oils.

We got home and Madison practiced piano for a bit, and then got a bath.  We're watching the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." episode we missed last night, and after that, a few episodes of Gravity Falls, including "Summerween."  The reason?  Today is actually "Summerween," according to the Gravity Falls calendar.  Perhaps we'll watching something else spooky after that - maybe "Toy Story of Terror."  We'll see.  After that, early bed for sure.  That includes reading more from "Science Fair," our devotional, and prayers - it should be a nice, restful night here.  And perhaps... a spooky one!

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