Friday, June 28, 2019

Forward Island

I'd like to say this was me for the most part, relaxing at Forward Island here.  Of course, this was just a joke image.  This area is set up to help cool folks off, with kiddie pools of water, mist sprayers, and squirt guns.  There are lounge chairs and photo ops, and just a nice place in the shade for those wanting to cool down some.

The bigger part of the day - and it was an immense one - was a whole lot of work carrying things in, taking pictures, moving things about, carrying water to folks, guiding people to seats, answering questions, checking in volunteers, moving things to seats, and even some writing for the new series in between all that.

It was the second day of Forward, and by all accounts, things are going well here.  Meanwhile, Madison was having a good day at home.  She was learning to cook!  True story.  She was making pudding, and making cookies too.  Daddy had some of the pudding a few days later, and it tasted delicious.  In fact, there's just one more pudding left in the refrigerator, and I'm thinking of going to grab that now!

She was also reading for a while, and playing the piano.  Its was a slightly less lazy sort of day for her today, thanks to Mommy's guidance.  It's tough in the summer, finding that balance between boredom and legitimate rest.  But today was a good day.  Next year, she'll be at Forward, and things will certainly pick up for her there.  But for now, it's good to learn, stay cool indoors, and get some rest.

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